





引用本文:李乐,王圣瑞,王海芳,张蕊,焦立新,丁帅,余佑金.滇池入湖河流磷负荷时空变化及形态组成贡献.湖泊科学,2016,28(5):951-960. DOI:10.18307/2016.0504
LI Le,WANG Shengrui,WANG Haifang,ZHANG Rui,JIAO Lixin,DING Shuai,YU Youjin.Temporal and spatial variations of phosphorus loading and the forms, compositions and contributions in inlet river of Lake Dianchi. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(5):951-960. DOI:10.18307/2016.0504
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李乐1,2,3, 王圣瑞1,2, 王海芳3, 张蕊1,2, 焦立新1,2, 丁帅1,2, 余佑金1,2
1.中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室, 北京 100012;2.中国环境科学研究院国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室, 湖泊生态环境创新基地, 北京 100012;3.中北大学化工与环境学院, 太原 030051
研究了2013年滇池主要入湖河流总磷(TP)及各形态磷浓度的时空变化与入湖负荷特征,并探讨了不同形态磷的入湖负荷贡献.结果表明:(1)滇池河流入湖TP浓度在0.11~1.93 mg/L之间,以溶解性无机磷(DIP)和颗粒态磷(PP)为主,溶解性有机磷(DOP)浓度较低;(2)滇池河流入湖磷负荷总量为280.51 t/a,绝大多数河流主要以DIP形态入湖,平均贡献率为43.48%;PP形态入湖负荷次之,平均贡献率为31.64%;DOP入湖负荷较低,平均贡献率为24.88%;(3) DIP入湖负荷贡献率较高值出现在3、4和11月的枯水期,平均入湖负荷贡献率达到55.30%;PP入湖负荷贡献率较高值出现在1和7月,平均入湖负荷贡献率为56.14%;DOP入湖负荷贡献率月变化差异较小,最高值出现在12月,贡献率为21.85%;(4)研究滇池入湖河流污染负荷不仅要考虑溶解态无机磷的贡献,而且需要重视PP和DOP负荷,控制滇池入湖河流污染负荷需要考虑不同河流不同形态磷负荷组成及月变化差异特征,有针对性地采取相应措施.
关键词:  滇池  入湖河流  磷负荷  时空变化  贡献
Temporal and spatial variations of phosphorus loading and the forms, compositions and contributions in inlet river of Lake Dianchi
LI Le1,2,3, WANG Shengrui1,2, WANG Haifang3, ZHANG Rui1,2, JIAO Lixin1,2, DING Shuai1,2, YU Youjin1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sci-ences, Beijing 100012, P. R. China;2.Research Center of Lake Eco-Environment, State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P. R. China;3.School of Chemical Engineering and Environment, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, P. R. China
The temporal and spatial changes of total phosphorus(TP) and various forms of phosphorus concentration, and the inlet load characteristics were studied in major inlet river of Lake Dianchi. At the same time, the contribution of different forms of phosphorus from the inlet load was discussed. The results showed:(1) The TP concentrations of the inlet river into Lake Dianchi were between 0.11-1.93 mg/L, and the particulate phosphorus(PP) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP) forms were the main part. (2) The TP loading of the inlet rivers of Lake Dianchi was 280.51 t/a, and DIP was the main form in most rivers into the lake with an average contribution of 43.48%. PP form into the lake load followed with an average contribution of 31.64%. DOP form into the lake load was relatively low with an average contribution of 24.88%. (3) DIP load into the lake with the higher contribution value appeared in dry season (March, April and November), which the average contribution rate reached to 55.30%. Higher values of PP forms into the lake load occurred in January and July, with the average contribution of 56.14%. Change of the DOP load into the lake was relatively low, with the highest value appeared in December and its contribution was 21.85%. (4) The river pollution load into Lake Dianchi not only needs to be considered the contribution of the dissolved inorganic phosphorus into the lake, but also to be paid an attention on the dissolved organic phosphorus and particulate phosphorus loading. During the process of comprehensive improvement of the inlet river loading into the lake, we should take corresponding measures according to different forms of phosphorus loading in different rivers and in different months in order to attempt getting a better effect.
Key words:  Lake Dianchi  inlet river  phosphorus loading  spatial and temporal variations  contribution