





引用本文:阮晓红,石晓丹,赵振华,倪利晓,吴芸,焦涛.苏州平原河网区浅水湖泊叶绿素a与环境因子的相关关系.湖泊科学,2008,20(5):556-562. DOI:10.18307/2008.0502
RUAN Xiao-hong,SHI Xiao-dan,ZHAO Zhen-hua,NI Li-xiao,WU Yun,JIAO Tao.Correlation between chlorophyll-a concentration and environmental factors in shallow lakes in plain river network areas of Suzhou. J. Lake Sci.2008,20(5):556-562. DOI:10.18307/2008.0502
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阮晓红1, 石晓丹2, 赵振华2, 倪利晓2, 吴芸2, 焦涛2
1.南京大学地球科学与工程学院水科学系, 南京 210093;2.河海大学环境科学与工程学院, 南京 210098
关键词:  平原河网区  叶绿素a  环境因子  相关性
Correlation between chlorophyll-a concentration and environmental factors in shallow lakes in plain river network areas of Suzhou
RUAN Xiao-hong1, SHI Xiao-dan2, ZHAO Zhen-hua2, NI Li-xiao2, WU Yun2, JIAO Tao2
1.Department of Water Sciences, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P.R.China;2.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P.R.China
The correlation between chlorophyll-a concentration and some environmental factors (water temperature, pH, DO, CODMn, TN and TP) in sixty shallow lakes in plain river network areas of Suzhou was studied by regression statistical method, and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of chlorophyll-a were also analyzed. The results indicated that there were some differences in the spatial and temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a in shallow lakes. In winter, the average concentration of chlorophyll-a was lower than that in summer. The temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a in winter and summer also had some similar pattern decreasing from east to west. Significantly positive correlations were found between chlorophyll-a concentration and water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, permanganate indexes. Water temperature was possibly the main limited factor of phytoplankton growth. At the same time, significantly positive correlation was found between chlorophyll-a and nitrite nitrogen, but not for ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total nitrogen. However, positive logarithmic correlation was found between chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus, and negative logarithmic correlation was found between chlorophyll-a and the ratio of total nitrogen to total phosphorus. The results suggestted that phosphorus might be the limited factot in the shallow lakes to some extent.
Key words:  Plain river network areas  chlorophyll-a  environmental factors  correlation