





引用本文:朱广伟,秦伯强,陈英旭,周根娣.运河(杭州段)沉积物磷释放的模拟试验.湖泊科学,2002,14(4):343-349. DOI:10.18307/2002.0408
ZHU Guangwei,CHEN Yingxu,ZHOU Gendi,QIN Boqiang.Study on the P Release from Sediments of the Hangzhou Section of the Grand Canal, China. J. Lake Sci.2002,14(4):343-349. DOI:10.18307/2002.0408
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朱广伟1,2, 秦伯强2, 陈英旭3, 周根娣1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008;2.浙江大学环境工程系, 杭州310029;3.杭州市环境保护科学研究所, 杭州310005
关键词:  沉积物  磷释放  模拟  大运河
Study on the P Release from Sediments of the Hangzhou Section of the Grand Canal, China
ZHU Guangwei1,2, CHEN Yingxu2, ZHOU Gendi3, QIN Boqiang1
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Nanjing 210008, P.R. China;2.Depart Environ Eng, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 3100291 P.R.China;3.Hangzhou Institute of Environmental Protection Science, Hangzhou 310005, P. R. China
The Release of phosphorus from sediments from the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal and the effects of liming, ferric chloride addition, aeration and overlying water refreshment were studied in this paper.Two kinds of polluted sediments from the canal, one was sampled from sewage polluted section and the other sampled from the industrial wastewater polluted section of the canal, were used in the release experiment in the overlying water-sediment ratio of 1;5 (v/v).The results showed that, concentration of total phosphorus (TP) in overlying water was highest at the beginning of the release experiment with infrequently disturbed the overlying water, and decreased with the time of running.Release potential of the sediment sampled from the vSewage-polluled section was significantly higher than that of the sediment sampled from the industrial wastewater polluted section.Liming of overlying water resulted in the increase of TP concentration in overlying water, while ferric chloride addition and aeration lead to the decrease of TP concentration in overlying water.Overlying water refreshment also decreased the TP concentration in overlying water.However, all the above methods have not decreased the TP concentration in overlying water to 0.2 mg/L, which ivS the limitation value of the V catalog surface water., suggesting the release of phosphorus from the sediment of the canal could drastically affect the water quality.
Key words:  Sediment  phosphorus release  modeling  the Grand Canal