





引用本文:李宁云,陈玉惠,胡金明,刘朝蓬,李靖,敖新宇,雷然.滇西北剑湖湿地海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)群落物种组成及种群分布格局.湖泊科学,2017,29(3):687-695. DOI:10.18307/2017.0318
LI Ningyun,CHEN Yuhui,HU Jinming,LIU Zhaopeng,LI Jing,AO Xinyu,LEI Ran.Species composition and distribution patterns of Ottelia acuminata community in Lake Jianhu, northwestern Yunnan. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(3):687-695. DOI:10.18307/2017.0318
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滇西北剑湖湿地海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)群落物种组成及种群分布格局
李宁云1,2, 陈玉惠3, 胡金明1, 刘朝蓬4, 李靖3, 敖新宇3, 雷然3
1.云南大学 昆明 650091;2.云南省林业科学院 昆明 650201;3.西南林业大学 昆明 650224;4.国家高原湿地研究中心 昆明 650224
群落物种组成及种群分布格局特征是揭示种群发展趋势及与环境相互关系的基础.以滇西北剑湖湿地海菜花群落为对象,采用样方法与扩散系数法对其物种组成与种群分布格局进行研究.结果表明:群落共有物种18种,分属12科、14属,包括沉水、漂浮、浮叶及湿生4类生活型;海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)和马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)呈集群分布,其余种群呈随机分布;海菜花种群聚集度最大,接近最大集群分布.保育海菜花种源、开展流域和生境治理以减缓湖泊沼泽化进程,是目前剑湖海菜花群落保护的当务之急.
关键词:  物种组成  种群分布格局  海菜花群落  湖泊沼泽化  剑湖湿地
Species composition and distribution patterns of Ottelia acuminata community in Lake Jianhu, northwestern Yunnan
LI Ningyun1,2, CHEN Yuhui3, HU Jinming1, LIU Zhaopeng4, LI Jing3, AO Xinyu3, LEI Ran3
1.Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, P.R.China;2.Yunnan Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650201, P.R.China;3.Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, P.R.China;4.National Plateau Wetland Research Center, Kunming 650224, P.R.China
Ottelia acuminata is listed in Yunnan Province Protected Plants (Class III) as a rare and endangered plant species. Ottelia acuminata community used to be a dominant community type in Yunnan's plateau lakes, but it is only found in a limited number of lakes nowadays with its observable changing characteristics. In the present study, species composition and distribution patterns of the community in Lake Jianhu were studied, with plot method and dispersal coefficient method in order to understand the development trend of the population, the relationship between its distribution pattern and environmental factors, and to provide some scientific basis for the protection of Ottelia acuminata and plateau lakes. The results showed that the community was composed of 18 species belonging to 12 families and 14 genera, with submerged type, free-floating type, floating-leaved type and hygrophyte as four major life forms. The distribution pattern of Ottelia acuminata and Potamogeton malaianus was clumpy, while other species were randomly distributed. The aggregation intensity of Ottelia acuminata was the highest among all species, which was close to the maximum clump distribution. Ex-situ conservation, basin maintenance and habitat management are some promising approaches to effectively slow down lake swamping process and conserve Ottelia acuminata community.
Key words:  Species composition  population distribution pattern  Ottelia acuminata community  lake swamping  Lake Jianhu