





引用本文:武瑞文,高博宇,兰志春,张铭华,欧阳珊,吴小平.基于淡水蚌类的生物学特征预测种群局部定居率和灭绝率--以鄱阳湖为例.湖泊科学,2017,29(3):678-686. DOI:10.18307/2017.0317
WU Ruiwen,GAO Boyu,LAN Zhichun,ZHANG Minghua,OUYANG Shan,WU Xiaoping.Predicting local colonization and extinction rates of freshwater mussels based on biological traits in a case of Lake Poyang. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(3):678-686. DOI:10.18307/2017.0317
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武瑞文1,2, 高博宇1, 兰志春2, 张铭华1, 欧阳珊1, 吴小平1,2
1.南昌大学生命科学学院 南昌 330031;2.南昌大学生命科学研究院流域生态研究所 南昌 330031
关键词:  淡水蚌类  生物学特征  定居率  灭绝率  鄱阳湖
Predicting local colonization and extinction rates of freshwater mussels based on biological traits in a case of Lake Poyang
WU Ruiwen1,2, GAO Boyu1, LAN Zhichun2, ZHANG Minghua1, OUYANG Shan1, WU Xiaoping1,2
1.School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, P.R.China;2.Center for Watershed Ecology Institute of Life Science, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, P.R.China
Freshwater mussels are one of the most endangered animal groups in the world. Testing the relationship between the traits and the risk of extinction of freshwater mussels would greatly facilitate the conservation and management of freshwater mussels. Mussels have unique life history. Since the glochidia of most mussels are obligate ectoparasites living on the fins or gill filament of host-fishes, the dispersal between different local populations of mussels depends on the host movement. In this study, we calculated local colonization and extinction rates for 39 mussel species sampled from 12 sites in the Lake Poyang basins, and used general linear models of Akaike information criterion and Schwarz Bayesian Criterion to determine the relative importance of each biological trait in local colonization and extinction rates. The result indicated that population structure and breeding time were the best predictors of local colonization. Distribution density, reproductivity, locomotivity and conservation status were the best predictors of local extinction rates. Local colonization and extinction rates of freshwater mussels were closely correlated with species biological traits and the biological traits can be used to predict local colonization and extinction patterns. Overall, it indicated that those local populations were becoming increasingly isolation and suffering an extinction crisis when the local extinction rates exceeded local colonization rate. This study provides a theoretical and practical foundation to the maintenance of mussel populations and biodiversity conservation.
Key words:  Freshwater mussels  biological traits  colonization rates  extinction rates  Lake Poyang