引用本文: | 汪国骏,胡明明,王雨春,袁浩,蒋蓉,王启文,叶振亚,梁顺田.蓄水初期三峡水库草堂河水-气界面CO2和CH4通量日变化特征及其影响因素.湖泊科学,2017,29(3):696-704. DOI:10.18307/2017.0319 |
| WANG Guojun,HU Mingming,WANG Yuchun,YUAN Hao,JIANG Rong,WANG Qiwen,YE Zhenya,LIANG Shuntian.Diurnal variation and influencing factors of carbon dioxide and methane emissions at water-air interface of Caotang River, Three Gorges Reservoir in the initial impoundment period. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(3):696-704. DOI:10.18307/2017.0319 |
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蓄水初期三峡水库草堂河水-气界面CO2和CH4通量日变化特征及其影响因素 |
汪国骏1, 胡明明2,3, 王雨春2,3, 袁浩4, 蒋蓉4, 王启文2,3, 叶振亚1, 梁顺田2
1.三峡大学水利与环境学院 宜昌 443002;2.中国水利水电科学研究院 北京 100038;3.流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 北京 100038;4.水利部水文局 北京 100053
摘要: |
为查明三峡水库蓄水初期典型支流水-气界面CO2和CH4通量的日变化特征,采用LGR在线分析仪-通量箱法,于2015年9月初在库腹一级支流草堂河回水区开展连续24 h的定位观测.结果表明,24 h监测期内,支流库湾水-气界面CO2通量变幅为-81.642~180.991 mg/(m2·h),呈“昼吸夜放”特征,均值为17.346 mg/(m2·h),总体为释放特征;CH4全天均表现为释放状态,释放通量均值为0.064 mg/(m2·h),呈“昼弱夜强”变化.相关分析结果表明, CH4和CO2释放通量与风速呈正相关,与表层水温、溶解氧浓度、叶绿素a浓度呈负相关,说明风速物理扰动、浮游植物光合作用是控制草堂河水-气界面气体通量最重要的环境因素.同时,干-支流相互作用形成的特殊水环境(如异重流、水温分层)也与水-气界面温室气体通量过程密切相关,但是其作用机制更为复杂,应开展进一步系统观测和深入研究. |
关键词: 三峡水库 草堂河 水-气界面 温室气体通量 连续原位观测 环境因素 |
DOI:10.18307/2017.0319 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51309252,51679258);国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项(2012ZX07104-001);三峡水库温室气体源汇监测与分析研究;三峡工程生态与环境监测系统重点站项目 |
Diurnal variation and influencing factors of carbon dioxide and methane emissions at water-air interface of Caotang River, Three Gorges Reservoir in the initial impoundment period |
WANG Guojun1, HU Mingming2,3, WANG Yuchun2,3, YUAN Hao4, JIANG Rong4, WANG Qiwen2,3, YE Zhenya1, LIANG Shuntian2
1.College of Hydraulic and Environment Engineering, Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, P.R.China;2.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, P.R.China;3.State Key Laboratory of Water Cycle Modeling and Controlling, Beijing 100038, P.R.China;4.Bureau of Hydrology, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100053, P.R.China
Abstract: |
With the LGR-floating chamber method, a 24-hour continuous monitoring was carried out in the initial impoundment period of Three Gorges Reservoir, in order to understand the greenhouse gases fluxes (carbon dioxide and methane) across the water-air interface of Caotang River which is the primary tributary of the reservoir. The results indicated that the fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane across the water-air interface appeared an obvious characteristic of diurnal variation. The fluxes of carbon dioxide ranged from -81.642 to 180.991 mg/(m2·h), and the average fluxes of carbon dioxide were 17.346 mg/(m2·h). As a result, the overall carbon dioxide showed “absorb by day and emit at night”. Methane was emitted all day with the average fluxes of methane 0.064 mg/(m2·h) showed “strong at day and weak at night”. The fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane had a positive correlation with wind speed while a negative correlation was observed with water temperature of surface layer, dissolve oxygen and chlorophyll-a. It could be explain the most important factors that influence emissions at water-air interface were phytoplankton photosynthesis and bacterial metabolism process in the surface water. The changes in greenhouse gases emissions at water-air interface were also relevant to special environment (density current and thermal stratification) due to the interaction between main current and tributaries. The hydrodynamic factors were the key factors that affect carbon cycle and the greenhouse gases fluxes across the water-air interface in backwaters of tributaries, which would be worth researching. |
Key words: Three Gorges Reservoir Caotang River water-air interface greenhouse gases flux continuous monitoring environmental factors |