





引用本文:唐彩红,陈东明,易雨君,周扬,张尚弘.生态补水对白洋淀湿地植被格局的影响.湖泊科学,2022,34(4):1197-1207. DOI:10.18307/2022.0413
Tang Caihong,Chen Dongming,Yi Yujun,Zhou Yang,Zhang Shanghong.Effects of ecological water supplement on vegetation dynamics in Lake Baiyangdian wetland. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(4):1197-1207. DOI:10.18307/2022.0413
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唐彩红1, 陈东明1, 易雨君2, 周扬1, 张尚弘1
1.华北电力大学水利与水电工程学院, 北京 102206;2.北京师范大学环境学院水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
白洋淀位于雄安新区腹地,是雄安新区重要的生态屏障与后花园,生态补水与植被恢复是白洋淀生态修复的重要内容.本文运用遥感影像资料,对比分析了雄安新区设立以来(2017年和2020年)白洋淀挺水植被、沉水植被、陆生植被、开阔水域、建设用地和裸地6种土地利用类型的变化趋势,深入剖析了挺水植被、沉水植被和陆生植被的时空分布格局、生长期内逐月生物量变化及其演替规律,探讨了水位变化对挺水植被和沉水植被生物量的影响,分析了雄安新区设立以来生态补水对淀区植被恢复的整体效果.结果表明:白洋淀水生植被主要分布在淀区北部、西北、西南和沿岸水深较浅的区域,相比2017年雄安新区设立之初,生态补水作用下,2020年淀区水位平均上涨0.63 m,沉水植被、陆生植被分布面积分别扩大了7.5%和21.4%,挺水植被和裸地面积则缩减了19%;挺水植被在8月生物量达到最大值,其分布面积和生物量随水位的增加整体呈减小趋势,同时受季节演替影响,温度升高则会显著促进挺水植被生长;与之相反,沉水植被随季节演替,其年内生物量最大出现在5、9和10月,但分布面积未有明显变化,且其生物量变化受水位影响不明显.总体而言,雄安新区设立以来,白洋淀年内植被生物量明显增加,为淀区水环境质量和水生态安全提供保障.
关键词:  白洋淀  雄安新区  生态补水  植被恢复  遥感影像
Effects of ecological water supplement on vegetation dynamics in Lake Baiyangdian wetland
Tang Caihong1, Chen Dongming1, Yi Yujun2, Zhou Yang1, Zhang Shanghong1
1.School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, P. R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, P. R. China
Lake Baiyangdian is located in the hinterland of the Xiong'an New Area and is an important ecological barrier. Ecological water supplement and vegetation restoration are important ecological restoration contents for Lake Baiyangdian. This study used remote sensing image data in 2017 and 2020 to compare and analyze the change trends of different land-use types in Lake Baiyangdian since the establishment of the Xiong'an New Area. A total of six land-use types were classified, including emergent vegetation, submerged vegetation, terrestrial vegetation, open water, construction land, and bare land. The monthly spatial and temporal variations, biomass variations of emergent, submerged, and terrestrial vegetation were identified and calculated. The impacts of water level changes on the biomass of emergent and submerged vegetation were also analyzed. Results showed that the water levels increased significantly due to the ecological water supplement in 2020 compared with 2017. The areas of submerged and terrestrial vegetation expanded, and that of emergent vegetation and bare land decreased. The emergent vegetation biomass showed a decreasing trend with the increasing water level and reached the maximum in August. Temperature significantly promoted the growth of emergent vegetation. On the contrary, the maximum biomass of submerged vegetation occurred in May, September, and October, which was not significantly affected by the water level. Generally, since the establishment of the Xiong'an New Area, the enhanced vegetation productivity in Lake Baiyangdian has provided a guarantee for the regional aquatic environment and ecological security.
Key words:  Lake Baiyangdian  Xiong'an New Area  ecological water supplement  vegetation restoration  remote sensing image