





引用本文:梁旭,刘华民,纪美辰,常明,温璐,于瑞宏,卓义,王立新.北方半干旱区土地利用/覆被变化对湖泊水质的影响:以岱海流域为例(2000—2018年).湖泊科学,2021,33(3):727-736. DOI:10.18307/2021.0309
Liang Xu,Liu Huamin,Ji Meichen,Chang Ming,Wen Lu,Yu Ruihong,Zhuo Yi,Wang Lixin.Effects of land use/cover change on lake water quality in the semi-arid region of northern China: A case study in Lake Daihai Basin (2000-2018). J. Lake Sci.2021,33(3):727-736. DOI:10.18307/2021.0309
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梁旭1, 刘华民1,2,3, 纪美辰4, 常明4, 温璐1,2,3, 于瑞宏1,2,3, 卓义1,2,3, 王立新1,2,3
1.内蒙古大学生态与环境学院, 呼和浩特 010021;2.草原生态安全省部共建协同创新中心, 呼和浩特 010021;3.蒙古高原生态学与资源利用教育部重点实验室, 呼和浩特 010021;4.中国环境科学研究院, 流域水污染综合治理研究中心, 北京 100012
关键词:  岱海流域  土地利用/覆被变化  水质  马尔可夫转移矩阵  计量分析模型
Effects of land use/cover change on lake water quality in the semi-arid region of northern China: A case study in Lake Daihai Basin (2000-2018)
Liang Xu1, Liu Huamin1,2,3, Ji Meichen4, Chang Ming4, Wen Lu1,2,3, Yu Ruihong1,2,3, Zhuo Yi1,2,3, Wang Lixin1,2,3
1.College of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, P. R. China;2.Collaborative Innovation Center for Grassland Ecological Security (Jointly Supported by the Ministry of Education of China and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region), Hohhot 010021, P. R. China;3.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Ecology and Resource Use of the Mongolian Plateau, Hohhot 010021, P. R. China;4.Basin Research Center for Water Pollution Control, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P. R. China
Land use/cover change plays an important role in clarifying the impacts of climate change and human activities on lake water environment. This paper takes Lake Daihai Basin, a typical agro-pastoral region in north China, as the research object and analyzes the changes of land use/cover and lake water quality in the Lake Daihai Basin from 2000 to 2008, which is based on remote sensing interpretation technology, Markov transfer matrix, and comprehensive pollution index method. At the same time, the method of redundant analysis and econometric analysis model are used to further reveal the impact of land use/cover area change on lake water quality under long-term time scales. The results show that the land use/cover type in the Lake Daihai Basin is dominated by cultivated land and grassland in the past 20 years. The characteristics of their changes are mainly the conversion of grassland and woodland to cultivated land, the waters to seasonal rivers, and Lake Daihai to inland beaches, marshy grasslands, and thickets of swamps, respectively. The water quality factors including CODMn, BOD5, total phosphorus and total nitrogen have different degrees of exceeding the standard in Lake Daihai. Moreover, Lake Daihai, wetland, and forestland play a positive role in improving water quality and cultivated land, grassland, and construction land are the main reasons for aggravating water pollution. This research provides some scientific theoretical basis for rational utilization of land resources of Lake Daihai Basin, improvement of lake water quality, and ecological protection.
Key words:  Lake Daihai Basin  land use/cover change  water quality  Markov transfer matrix  econometric analysis model