





引用本文:夏蔓宏,董少刚,刘白薇,李铱,李政葵,王超,周雨泽.典型草原露天煤矿区地下水-湖泊系统演化.湖泊科学,2020,32(1):187-197. DOI:10.18307/2020.0118
XIA Manhong,DONG Shaogang,LIU Baiwei,LI Yi,LI Zhengkui,WANG Chao,ZHOU Yuze.Evolution of groundwater-lake system in typical open-pit coal mine area. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(1):187-197. DOI:10.18307/2020.0118
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夏蔓宏1, 董少刚1, 刘白薇2, 李铱1, 李政葵1, 王超1, 周雨泽1
1.内蒙古大学生态与环境学院, 呼和浩特 010021;2.内蒙古大学社会科学处, 呼和浩特 010021
由于气候干旱、大量疏排地下水导致草原露天煤矿区普遍存在着水文循环失调、土壤沙化、草地退化等环境地质问题.本研究以呼伦贝尔草原伊敏露天煤矿为研究对象,在对矿区地下水-湖泊系统调查分析的基础上,结合水文、气象及遥感影像等数据,应用水均衡原理构建矿区地下水位-湖泊面积响应机制的数学模型,并利用此模型预测分析矿区开发对伊敏盆地内湖泊面积的影响.结果表明:煤矿开采35年来,伊敏盆地湖群数量由开采前(1982年)的5个变为如今(2017年)的2个,湖泊总面积由原来的6.94 km2萎缩到1.12 km2;矿区地下水-湖泊关系由自然状态下的地下水补给湖泊型向湖泊补给地下水型演化;本文建立的地下水-湖泊耦合数学模型可较好地对湖泊面积进行预测,在气候因素波动不大、矿山开发稳定的状况下,该矿闭矿时(2045年)研究区湖泊面积将萎缩至0.56 km2.
关键词:  露天煤矿  地下水  湖泊面积  地下水-湖泊耦合模型
Evolution of groundwater-lake system in typical open-pit coal mine area
XIA Manhong1, DONG Shaogang1, LIU Baiwei2, LI Yi1, LI Zhengkui1, WANG Chao1, ZHOU Yuze1
1.College of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, P. R. China;2.Social Science Division, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, P. R. China
Due to the climatic drought and a large amount of groundwater drainage, environmental geological problems such as hydrological circulation disorders, soil desertification and grassland degradation are common in open-pit coal mining areas. This study takes the Yimin open-pit coal mine area in Hulun Buir Grassland as the research object. Based on the investigation and analysis of the groundwater-lake system, this study combines hydrological, meteorological and remote sensing image data to construct the mathematics of the groundwater-lake response mechanism in the mining area. The model is used to predict and analyze the impact of mine development on lake in the area. The results show that the number of the group of lakes has changed from 5 to 2, and the total area of lakes has shrunk from 6.94 km2 to 1.12 km2 in the past 35 years of coal mining. The groundwater-lake interaction in the mining area has evolved from the type of natural groundwater recharge lake to the one of lake recharge groundwater. Based on the principle of water balance, the mathematical model of the groundwater-lake response mechanism in the mining area is established. Based on the analysis of the coupled mathematical model of groundwater and lake, it is found that under the condition of limited fluctuations of climatic factors and stable development of the mine, the largest chedaminor lake in the study area will shrink to 0.56 km2 when the mine would be closed (in the year of 2045).
Key words:  Coal mining  groundwater  lake area  groundwater-lake coupling model