





引用本文:周延,靖磊,贾亦飞,雷刚,姚毅,吕偲,陈安平,雷光春.东洞庭湖4种濒危鹤类近30年种群动态及栖息地景观格局变化.湖泊科学,2019,31(5):1415-1423. DOI:10.18307/2019.0515
ZHOU Yan,JING Lei,JIA Yifei,LEI Gang,YAO Yi,LV Cai,CHEN Anping,LEI Guangchun.Population dynamics of four endangered cranes and landscape patterns of habitats in the East Dongting Lake during recent 30 years. J. Lake Sci.2019,31(5):1415-1423. DOI:10.18307/2019.0515
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周延1,2, 靖磊2,3, 贾亦飞2, 雷刚4, 姚毅5, 吕偲2, 陈安平6, 雷光春2
1.南京林业大学南方现代林业协同创新中心生物与环境学院, 南京 210037;2.北京林业大学自然保护区学院, 北京 100083;3.中南林业科技大学林学院, 长沙 410004;4.世界自然基金会, 北京 100089;5.湖南省东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区管理局, 岳阳 414000;6.美国科罗拉多州立大学生物学系, 柯林斯堡 80523
东洞庭湖是4种濒危鹤类:白头鹤(Grus monacha)、白枕鹤(G.vipio)、白鹤(G.leucogeranus)和灰鹤(G.grus)的越冬地,但尚无东洞庭湖越冬鹤类种群动态及栖息地变化的系统研究.本研究调查收集了近30年来东洞庭湖4种鹤类的种群状况,并选取相应越冬季的东洞庭湖卫星图片,提取不同时期东洞庭湖湿地景观格局数据,分析鹤类种群动态与湿地景观格局之间的关联.结果表明:近30年来,东洞庭湖4种濒危鹤类种群数量均呈不同程度的下降.目前4种鹤类集中分布于采桑湖、丁字堤一带,灰鹤种群数量尚维持有二百余只,而白头鹤、白枕鹤和白鹤仅有不足10只的零星分布.1999-2000年后东洞庭湖水域及泥滩面积迅速下降并快速破碎化是导致鹤类种群下降的重要原因.未来应从保护及恢复东洞庭湖鹤类栖息地入手,加大鹤类保护,逐渐恢复东洞庭湖鹤类种群.
关键词:  东洞庭湖  白鹤  白头鹤  白枕鹤  灰鹤  种群  栖息地
Population dynamics of four endangered cranes and landscape patterns of habitats in the East Dongting Lake during recent 30 years
ZHOU Yan1,2, JING Lei2,3, JIA Yifei2, LEI Gang4, YAO Yi5, LV Cai2, CHEN Anping6, LEI Guangchun2
1.Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, College of Biology and the Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, P. R. China;2.School of Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, P. R. China;3.School of Forestry, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, P. R. China;4.World-Wide Fund for Nature, Beijing 100089, P. R. China;5.Administration Bureau of Hunan East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, Yueyang 414000, P. R. China;6.Department of Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
As the wintering site for four endangered cranes, hooded crane (Grus monacha), white-naped crane (G. vipio), siberian crane (G. leucogeranus) and common crane (G. grus), the East Dongting Lake was seldom studied for understanding the population dynamics of the cranes and habitat changes. In this study, the populations of four cranes in the East Dongting Lake during the past 30 years was collected, and the satellite images of the East Dongting Lake over winter were selected to extract the wetland landscape pattern in different wintering seasons. We analyzed the relationship between crane population dynamics and wetland landscape pattern change. The results showed that the population numbers of four endangered cranes in the East Dongting Lake decreased in the past 30 years. At present, four species of cranes are concentrated in the Caisang Lake and Dingzidi. The number of grey crane population is still more than 200, while the number of hooded crane, white-naped crane and siberian crane is only less than 10. From the wintering season of 1999-2000, the area of open water and mudflat of the East Dongting Lake declined and fragmented rapidly, which mainly induces the decline of crane populations. The crane populations in the East Dongting Lake should be restored via protecting and restoring habitats of crane in the future.
Key words:  East Dongting Lake  siberian crane  hooded crane  white-naped crane  common crane  population  habitat