





引用本文:吴兴华,李翀,陈磊,赵荧,李媛,王浩.三峡水库香溪河库湾拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis)的昼夜垂直迁移行为对碳磷分布的响应.湖泊科学,2018,30(1):121-129. DOI:10.18307/2018.0112
WU Xinghua,LI Chong,CHEN Lei,ZHAO Ying,LI Yuan,WANG Hao.Responses of diel vertical migration behavior of Peridiniopsis to the distribution of carbon and phosphorus in Xiangxi River Bay, Three Geoges Reservoir. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(1):121-129. DOI:10.18307/2018.0112
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吴兴华1, 李翀1, 陈磊1, 赵荧1, 李媛1, 王浩2
1.中国长江三峡集团公司, 北京 100038;2.中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038
于2015年2月2627日在香溪河库湾高岚河段拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis)水华发生地昼夜监测其在水体中的垂直迁移,分别在6个时间段(8:00、12:00、16:00、20:00、0:00、4:00)分层取样分析拟多甲藻在水中的叶绿素a浓度、细胞密度、碳酸酐酶(CA)与碱性磷酸酶(AP)活性;分析总磷(TP)、溶解性总磷(DTP)、溶解性反应磷(SRP)与溶解性有机磷(DOP)浓度在水中的垂直分布.结果显示,水华发生期拟多甲藻为绝对优势种,监测的6个时段中,拟多甲藻呈显著的昼夜垂直迁移规律,正午12:00,表层细胞密度最大,可达5.2×106 cells/L,凌晨0:00表层细胞密度最低,仅为0.4×106 cells/L;TP与DTP浓度无垂直分布规律,但SRP与DOP浓度呈现显著的垂直分布规律,SRP浓度随水深增加而减小,DOP浓度随水深增加而增加;CA活性日间高于夜间,日间CA活性呈垂直分布规律,随水深增加而减小,但夜间无垂直分布规律;AP活性在水中昼夜呈极其显著的垂直分布规律,随着水深增加逐渐增加.相关性分析结果表明,拟多甲藻细胞密度与水深、DOP浓度呈极显著负相关,水深与CA和AP活性分别呈极其显著负相关与正相关,拟多甲藻细胞密度与CA和AP浓度分别呈极其显著正相关与负相关.因此,拟多甲藻的垂直迁移行为可能是对日间迁移至表层获取光能和无机碳来源、夜间迁移至水下获取磷源的一种适应.
关键词:  拟多甲藻  三峡水库  碱性磷酸酶  碳酸酐酶  库湾
Responses of diel vertical migration behavior of Peridiniopsis to the distribution of carbon and phosphorus in Xiangxi River Bay, Three Geoges Reservoir
WU Xinghua1, LI Chong1, CHEN Lei1, ZHAO Ying1, LI Yuan1, WANG Hao2
1.China Three Gorges Corporation, Beijing 100038, P. R. China;2.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, P. R. China
In this study, the diel vertical migration of Peridiniopsis was monitored in the Gaolan branch of Xiangxi River Bay, Three Gorges Reservoir, from February 26 to 27, 2015. The chlorophyll-a, cell density, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in the water were studied by stratified sampling at surface,3,6,9,12 and 15 m on 6 time points(8:00,12:00,16:00,20:00,0:00 and 4:00),the vertical distribution of total phosphorus (TP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) in water was also measured. Results showed that Peridiniopsis was an absolute dominant species, and it had significant regular patterns of diel vertical migration. The highest cell density could be up to 5.2×106 cells/L at surface water at 12:00, while the lowest can be achieved 0.4×106 cells/L at 0:00. TP and DTP had no vertical distribution, but SRP and DOP had significant vertical distribution, with SRP decreasing and DOP increasing along water depth. CA showed that its content of daytime was higher than that of night time, and decreasing with the depth of water without vertical distribution at night. AP in the water showed extremely significant vertical distribution, its content gradually increased with water depth. Correlation analysis revealed that the cell density was significantly negatively correlated with water depth and DOP. Water depth had extremely significant negative and positive correlation respectively to CA and AP,whereas cell density had extremely significant positive and negative correlation respectively to CA and AP. Therefore, the vertical migration behaviour of Peridiniopsis may be an adaptation to the daytime migration to the surface to obtain inorganic carbon sources, and migrate to the underwater get phosphorus source at night.
Key words:  Peridiniopsis  Three Gorges Reservoir  alkaline phosphatase  carbonic anhydrase  reservoir backwater area