





引用本文:张倩,董靖,吉芳英,牛凤霞,赵艮,沈秋实,何强.新建人工深水湖泊沉积物上覆水和孔隙水中溶解性有机质的光谱特征.湖泊科学,2018,30(1):112-120. DOI:10.18307/2018.0111
ZHANG Qian,DONG Jing,JI Fangying,NIU Fengxia,ZHAO Gen,SHEN Qiushi,HE Qiang.Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter in overlying water and pore water of newly-built artificial lake sediments. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(1):112-120. DOI:10.18307/2018.0111
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张倩, 董靖, 吉芳英, 牛凤霞, 赵艮, 沈秋实, 何强
重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室, 低碳绿色建筑国际联合研究中心, 重庆 400045
关键词:  人工湖  沉积物  腐殖化  紫外可见光谱  三维荧光光谱  内源污染  龙景湖
Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter in overlying water and pore water of newly-built artificial lake sediments
ZHANG Qian, DONG Jing, JI Fangying, NIU Fengxia, ZHAO Gen, SHEN Qiushi, HE Qiang
National Centre for International Research of Low-carbon and Green Buildings, Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Reservoir Region's Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, P. R. China
In order to reveal the sources, compositions, distributions and vertical distribution characteristics of endogenous pollutants in lake sediments, the ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum technology were applied to study the spectral characteristics. Data used in this work including sediment samples collected from the original riverbed, the newly submerged bottom and the newly submerged edge along the lakeside from the newly-built artificial deep-water lake, Lake Longjing. The divisive criterion of sampling sites is the main applications of those lands before impoundment. Results show that the aromaticity and humification of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in pore water is higher than those of overlying water. The proportion of hydrophobic components in pore water is greater than that in overlying water, which means there might be internal input of low molecular weight DOM. Data indicates that DOM of each sample mainly come from aquatic microbial activity within the water body and newly-released organic matter might exist. DOM of overlying water and pore water in Lake Longjing sediments mainly include humic-like parts and protein-like parts with humic-like peaks detected in the deeper layers, which indicates a significant association with the construction background of Lake Longjing.
Key words:  Artificial lake  sediment  humification  ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy  three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum  internal source pollution  Lake Longjing