





引用本文:张惠,汪鹏合,张文娟,左杰,邹祥旭,季军,安树青,赵德华.利用不同物候期水生植物配置提高浮床人工湿地的除氮效果.湖泊科学,2017,29(3):575-584. DOI:10.18307/2017.0306
ZHANG Hui,WANG Penghe,ZHANG Wenjuan,ZUO Jie,ZOU Xiangxu,JI Jun,AN Shuqing,ZHAO Dehua.Improving nitrogen removal by phenophase arrangement of aquatic macrophyte species in the floating-bed constructed wetland. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(3):575-584. DOI:10.18307/2017.0306
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张惠1, 汪鹏合1, 张文娟1, 左杰1, 邹祥旭1, 季军2, 安树青1,3, 赵德华1
1.南京大学生命科学学院 南京 210046;2.洪泽县清盈尾水湿地管理有限公司 淮安 223001;3.南京大学常熟生态研究院 常熟 215500
为验证利用不同物候期水生植物配置提高碳氮比失衡湿地脱氮能力的可行性,设计了向水芹菜(Oenanthe javanica)浮床人工湿地系统中添加轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)的实验,研究了在秋、冬季低温条件下,暖季型植物分解释碳对系统氮去除效果的影响.结果表明,添加轮叶黑藻显著提高了系统水体碳氮比,促进反硝化作用,提高总氮和硝态氮的去除率.在4个周期中,与对照组相比,物候期组合型浮床人工湿地系统的总氮去除率分别提升23.03%、10.90%、18.55%和22.93%,硝态氮去除率分别提升38.28%、20.74%、17.87%和17.06%.由此可见,利用暖季型和冷季型植物配置提高碳氮比失衡湿地氮去除率是可行的.
关键词:  浮床人工湿地  水芹菜  轮叶黑藻  碳氮比  氮去除
Improving nitrogen removal by phenophase arrangement of aquatic macrophyte species in the floating-bed constructed wetland
ZHANG Hui1, WANG Penghe1, ZHANG Wenjuan1, ZUO Jie1, ZOU Xiangxu1, JI Jun2, AN Shuqing1,3, ZHAO Dehua1
1.School of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, P.R.China;2.Qingying Tail Water Wetland Management Limited Company of Hongze County, Huaian 223001, P.R.China;3.Ecology Research Institute of Changshu, Nanjing University, Changshu 215500, P.R.China
The main objective of this study is to identify the feasibility of improving the nitrogen removal efficiency in low C/N wetlands by arranging aquatic macrophyte species with different phonological characteristics. We conducted a pilot experiment, adding warm-season species of Hydrilla verticillata to cold-season species of Oenanthe javanica at a floating-bed constructed wetland system (FCW), in order to quantify the effects of the decomposition of the warm-season macrophyte residue on the nitrogen removal efficiency under the condition of low temperature during autumn and winter seasons. The results showed that the adding of H. verticillata significantly increased the C/N ratios in the organic carbon shortage systems of FCW, and thus improved total nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen removal efficiency due to stimulating denitrification activities. During the four cycle periods of the phenophase-combined FCW, compared with the control group, the removal efficiency of total nitrogen in each period was increased by 23.03%, 10.90%, 18.55% and 22.93% respectively, and the removal efficiency of nitrate nitrogen was increased by 38.28%, 20.74%, 17.87% and 17.06%, respectively. Therefore we conclude that it is feasible to improve the nitrogen removal efficiency by re-arrangement of warm and cool season plants in the low C/N wetlands.
Key words:  Floating-bed constructed wetland  Oenanthe javanica  Hydrilla verticillata  C/N ratios  nitrogen removal