





引用本文:杨燕,朱雪竹,张民,孔繁翔,黄亚新.不同藻类对温度与磷叠加作用的响应模式.湖泊科学,2016,28(4):843-851. DOI:10.18307/2016.0418
YANG Yan,ZHU Xuezhu,ZHANG Min,KONG Fanxiang,HUANG Yaxin.Response patterns of different algae to the interaction between temperature and phosphorus. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(4):843-851. DOI:10.18307/2016.0418
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杨燕1, 朱雪竹1, 张民2,3, 孔繁翔2,3, 黄亚新4
1.南京农业大学资源与环境学院, 南京 210095;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008;3.江苏省区域现代农业与环境保护协同创新中心, 淮阴 223300;4.南京农业大学生命科学学院, 南京 210095
气候变暖对富营养化引起的蓝藻水华扩张具有叠加作用,为探索不同藻类对气候变暖与富营养化叠加作用的响应模式,选用富营养化水体常见藻类铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flos-aquae)和斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)作为材料,采用室内培养方法,模拟春末不同升温幅度(20+3、23+3和20+6℃),5个磷浓度水平(0、0.05、0.15、0.30和0.50 mg/L),通过生长速率、光化学参数等的测定,分析不同藻类对温度升高和营养盐添加的生长与光化学响应. 结果表明:3种藻的生长速率对温度和磷的叠加作用呈现不同的响应模式:随着磷浓度的升高,铜绿微囊藻的生长速率受温度的叠加作用不断增加,26℃时差异最大;水华鱼腥藻生长速率除在0.30 mg/L磷浓度时受温度叠加作用比较明显外,其他磷浓度水平均没有显著的叠加效应;斜生栅藻在不同磷浓度水平下受温度叠加作用影响有较大波动,但无明显差异. 铜绿微囊藻对温度的叠加作用随着磷浓度的增加呈现逻辑斯蒂模式增长,而水华鱼腥藻和斜生栅藻均是在特定温度或特定营养盐浓度时呈现最大的叠加作用,叠加作用的趋势不明显. 从Fv/Fm结果可知,铜绿微囊藻下降幅度明显高于水华鱼腥藻和斜生栅藻,随温度升高,磷浓度越高,铜绿微囊藻的Fv/Fm下降幅度越大,这可能是铜绿微囊藻在高生长速率下色素无法积累所致;水华鱼腥藻的Fv/Fm基本保持稳定,各组间差异较小;斜生栅藻的Fv/Fm在低磷浓度组明显低于高磷浓度组,并且随温度升高下降趋势增加,3种藻的光学特性响应反映了藻类在叠加作用下生长的变化. 综上所述,铜绿微囊藻对温度上升与磷浓度的升高有更强的响应,导致其产生更高的生长速率,从而促进了蓝藻水华的扩张.
关键词:  铜绿微囊藻  温度    叠加作用  水华鱼腥藻  斜生栅藻
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31470520, 31570457)、江苏省区域现代农业与环境保护协同创新中心项目 (HSXT109)和江苏省太湖水污染治理课题( JSZC-G2013-257 )联合资助.
Response patterns of different algae to the interaction between temperature and phosphorus
YANG Yan1, ZHU Xuezhu1, ZHANG Min2,3, KONG Fanxiang2,3, HUANG Yaxin4
1.College of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, P.R.China;2.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China;3.Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Agriculture and Environmental Protection in Jiangsu Province, Huaiyin 223300, P.R.China;4.College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, P.R.China
Climate warming has a role in promoting cyanobacteria blooms expansion caused by eutrophication.To evaluate the response patterns of different algae on combined effects of climate warming and eutrophication, we simulated different increasing temperature amplitudes in late spring (20+3, 23+3, 20+6℃) and five phosphorus concentration levels (0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.30, 0.50 mg/L) to test the response of the three common algae (Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena flos-aquae and Scenedesmus obliquus) in eutrophic water. The results showed that the growth rate of three algae showed different response patterns. The growth rate of M. aeruginosa increased significantly with increased phosphorus concentration and temperature, which suggested that additive effect of temperature and phosphorus increased. The growth rate of A. flos-aquae was subject to temperature in the phosphorus concentration of 0.30 mg/L, with no significant additive effect in the other phosphorus concentration levels. The response in growth rate of S. obliquus presented a great variability at different levels, but no significant difference. With increased phosphorus concentration, the additive effect of temperature and phosphorus on the growth of M. aeruginosa showed logistic increasing pattern. The growth of A. flos-aquae and S. obliquus presented the sensitive response to the additive effect at a specific temperature or a specific nutrient concentration, and no significant trend. The photochemical results showed that Fv/Fm of Microcystis declined more significantly than those of A. flos-aquae and S. obliquus, which might be due to that the pigment per cell could not be accumulated under this rapid growth rate of Microcystis. The Fv/Fm of A. flos-aquae showed weak variability with temperature and phosphorus increasing. The Fv/Fm of S. obliquus had a slight decreasing trend with increasing temperature. The dynamics of photochemical characteristics in the three algae were consistent with changes in their growth. In summary, Microcystis had a stronger response to the increased temperature and phosphorus concentration, which led to high growth rates and might contribute to the expansion of cyanobacterial blooms.
Key words:  Microcystis aeruginosa  Anabaena flos-aquae  Scenedesmus obliquus  temperature  phosphorus  additive effect