





引用本文:周真明,黄廷林,苑宝玲.生物沸石薄层覆盖削减富营养化水体磷负荷.湖泊科学,2016,28(4):726-733. DOI:10.18307/2016.0405
ZHOU Zhenming,HUANG Tinglin,YUAN Baoling.Biozeolite thin-layer capping for reducing the phosphorus load in eutrophic water body. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(4):726-733. DOI:10.18307/2016.0405
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周真明1,2, 黄廷林2, 苑宝玲1
1.华侨大学土木工程学院, 厦门 361021;2.西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
以江苏扬州古运河富营养化水体为对象,现场围隔实验研究生物沸石薄层覆盖削减富营养化水体磷负荷可行性,考察生物沸石覆盖削减上覆水、底泥间隙水和底泥中不同形态磷的削减效果,讨论生物沸石覆盖修复过程中不同形态磷转化机制. 结果表明,覆盖强度为2 kg/m2的生物沸石覆盖(厚度约2 mm)对上覆水中总磷的削减率为57.41%,对上覆水中正磷酸盐的削减率为60.03%;对底泥间隙水中正磷酸盐的削减率为59.80%;对表层底泥(0~20 cm)中总磷削减率为11.28%,对无机磷削减率为11.82%,对有机磷削减率为11.11%. 生物沸石覆盖能将底泥中不稳定的无机磷(可溶性磷、铁结合态磷、铝结合态磷)或少部分较稳定的无机磷(钙结合态磷)转化为稳定的无机磷(包裹磷),说明生物沸石覆盖不仅能削减液相中磷负荷,而且能将固相中不稳定的无机磷转化为稳定的无机磷;可见,生物沸石薄层覆盖能有效削减富营养化水体磷负荷,利用生物沸石薄层覆盖削减富营养化水体磷负荷是可行的,但需要进一步研究富营养化水体底泥生物薄层覆盖修复过程中不同形态无机磷转化机制.
关键词:  底泥  覆盖    生物沸石  富营养化水体  扬州古运河
Biozeolite thin-layer capping for reducing the phosphorus load in eutrophic water body
ZHOU Zhenming1,2, HUANG Tinglin2, YUAN Baoling1
1.College of Civil Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, P.R.China;2.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Xi'an 710055, P.R.China
The feasibility of reducing phosphorus load in eutrophic water body using biozeolite thin-layer capping was examined through a field incubation experiment in Ancient Canal in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. The reduction efficiency of different phosphorus in overlying water, interstitial water and sediments was estimated. The mechanisms of different phosphorus transportation and transformation in remediation process of sediment using biozeolite thin-layer capping were discussed. The results showed that the reduction efficiency of total phosphorus and orthophosphate in overlying water by biozeolite thin-layer capping of dose rate of 2 kg/m2 (the thick of 2 mm) were 57.41% and 60.03%, respectively. The orthophosphate reduction efficiency in interstitial water from sediments was 59.80%. The reduction efficiencies of total phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus and organic phosphorus in surface sediments (0-20 cm) were 11.28%, 11.82% and 11.11%, respectively. Unsteady inorganic phosphorus (e.g. dissolved phosphorus, iron bound phosphorus, aluminium bound phosphorus) and relatively steady inorganic phosphorus (e.g. calcium bound phosphorus) were converted into very steady inorganic phosphorus (e.g. residual phosphorus) using biozeolite thin-layer capping, indicating that biozeolite thin-layer capping could not only reduce phosphorus load in liquid, but also convert unsteady inorganic phosphorus into very steady inorganic phosphorus. Therefore, biozeolite thin-layer capping can reduce phosphorus load in eutrophic water body efficiently, and phosphorus load reduction in eutrophic water body using biozeolite thin-layer capping is feasible. However, it is urgent to understand the mechanisms of different inorganic phosphorus transportation and transformation in remediation process of sediment using biozeolite thin-layer capping.
Key words:  Sediment  capping  phosphorus  biozeolite  eutrophic water body  Yangzhou Ancient Canal