





引用本文:谭胤静,于一尊,丁建南,谭晦如.鄱阳湖水文过程对湿地生物的节制作用.湖泊科学,2015,27(6):997-1003. DOI:10.18307/2015.0602
TAN Yinjing,YU Yizun,DING Jiannan,TAN Huiru.Control effects of Lake Poyang hydrological process on the wetland biology. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(6):997-1003. DOI:10.18307/2015.0602
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谭胤静, 于一尊, 丁建南, 谭晦如
江西省科学院生物资源研究所, 南昌 330096
从实测水文数据出发,研究20092013年近5年各年水位过程变化,归纳年内、年际水位变化的特征和类型,在此基础上分析各年水温、水体透明度及水深梯度的变化过程. 结合“鄱阳湖科学考察项目”对生物资源及其动态变化的考察成果,重点探索2009、2010、2011年3个典型年鄱阳湖湿地生物繁殖、生长、成熟或死亡过程与各水文要素变化过程耦合时的联动关系. 结果表明,46月涨水过程,沉水植物经历淹水深度1.5~2.0 m、水体透明度低于20~30 cm后,大部分死亡;36月和69月水位过程偏低,导致定居性鱼类产卵场和索饵场范围缩小;1012月水位偏高或偏低影响冬候鸟入迁或栖息等. 研究初步揭示鄱阳湖水文节律对鄱阳湖湿地生物生长、生存的节制作用,从一定意义上反映了鄱阳湖生态水文过程.
关键词:  鄱阳湖  水文过程  节制作用  湿地生物
Control effects of Lake Poyang hydrological process on the wetland biology
TAN Yinjing, YU Yizun, DING Jiannan, TAN Huiru
Biological Resources Institute, Jiangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanchang 330096, P.R.China
The annual change of water level process in the Lake Poyang was summarized on the characteristics and types of annual and inter-annual water level variation in the past 5 years from the measured hydrological data. Based on these, the inter-annual change processes of water transparency, temperature and depth gradient were also studied. Combined with the investigation results of biological resources and their dynamic changes from “the scientific survey of Lake Poyang”, focusing on the three typical years of 2009, 2010 and 2011, the correlation between the process of hydrological element variation and the biological reproduction, growth, maturity or death in Lake Poyang wetland was explored: submerged plants were flooded 1.5-2.0 m under the water with transparency less than 20-30 cm and most of them died while swelling between April and June; low water level from March to June and June to September resulted in the spawning and feeding grounds of settled fishes narrowed; too high or too low water level from October to December impacted winter migratory birds to move into or perch in the Lake Poyang wetland. The study had preliminarily presented the control effects of hydrological rhythm on growth and survival of organisms in the Lake Poyang wetland and reflected the eco-hydrological process of Lake Poyang in a certain sense.
Key words:  Lake Poyang  hydrological process  control effect  wetland organisms