





引用本文:何征,万荣荣,戴雪,杨桂山.近30年洞庭湖季节性水情变化及其对江湖水量交换变化的响应.湖泊科学,2015,27(6):991-996. DOI:10.18307/2015.0601
HE Zheng,WAN Rongrong,DAI Xue,YANG Guishan.Characteristics of the changing seasonal water regime in Lake Dongting and their response to the change of river-lake water exchange in recent 30 years. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(6):991-996. DOI:10.18307/2015.0601
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何征1,2, 万荣荣1, 戴雪1,2, 杨桂山1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所流域地理学重点实验室, 南京 210008;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
江湖水量交换的变化影响着通江湖泊洞庭湖的水情,进而影响湖区社会经济及生态的可持续发展.以洞庭湖城陵矶站、南咀站以及长江干流宜昌站、螺山站19812012年逐日水位、流量观测数据为基础,采用单位根检验、方差分析和水位-流量绳套曲线等方法对洞庭湖季节性水情变化特征进行提取,并探究江湖水量交换变化对其产生的影响.研究表明: 近30年来洞庭湖水情呈阶段性特征,与相对稳定的19812002年相比, 20032012年湖泊水位总体呈下降趋势,年均水位下降0.43 m; 枯、涨、丰、退水期各季水情变化特征为:2003年以后洞庭湖丰水期水位平均下降0.60 m,呈现出“高水不高”现象;退水期水位平均下降1.49 m,退水加快;枯水期水位略有上升,平均上升0.18 m;涨水期水位变化不明显.湖泊退水期水位降幅最为明显,尤其是10月大幅下降,平均下降2.03 m,有提前进入枯水期的趋势.水情变化与江湖水量交换变化密切相关:丰水期,三口(松滋、太平和藕池)分流量减小在一定程度上降低湖泊水位;退水期,三口分流量减小叠加城陵矶出口长江水位下降对洞庭湖产生拉空作用,湖泊出流加快水位被拉低;枯水期,主要是13月,城陵矶出口长江水位上升对湖泊顶托作用增强,湖泊出流减缓水位略有抬升.
关键词:  湖泊季节性水情  江湖水量交换  水位-流量绳套曲线  洞庭湖
Characteristics of the changing seasonal water regime in Lake Dongting and their response to the change of river-lake water exchange in recent 30 years
HE Zheng1,2, WAN Rongrong1, DAI Xue1,2, YANG Guishan1
1.Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P.R.China
The adjustment of river-lake water exchange will cause water regime of lake to change and threat the sustainable development of social economy and ecology. In this paper, based on daily observation data of water level and water discharge from 1981 to 2012 at Chenglingji Station, Nanzui Station in Lake Dongting, Yichang Station and Luoshan Station in the main reaches of the Yangtze River, the characteristics of the changing water regime in Lake Dongting and their response to the changes of river-lake water exchange were analyzed by means of unit root test, analysis of variance and the comparison of stage-discharge curve. The results suggestted that the water regime in Lake Dongting showed periodic characteristics during 1981 to 2012. The period of 1981-2002 was viewed as relatively stable phase. Mean water level decreased 0.43 m in 2003-2012. In the flood season, water level of Lake Dongting decreased 0.60 m. In the retreating season, water level fell 1.49 m. In the dry season, water level rose 0.18 m. The change of water level was not significant in the rising season. The dry season may be early in consideration of 2.03 m drop in October. The changes of hydrological regime were related to changes of river-lake water exchange: In the flood season, flow diversion at the three outlets reduced and the lake level dropped. In the retreating season, reduced flow diversion at the three outlets coupled with stepping up outflow intensified lake water withdrawal. In the dry season from January to March, outflow slowed down and the lake level rose.
Key words:  Seasonal water regime of lake  river-lake water exchange  stage-discharge curve  Lake Dongting