





引用本文:蔡萍,吴雨琛,刘新,尹洪斌.底泥和藻体对太湖湖泛的诱发及水体致黑物的供应潜力.湖泊科学,2015,27(4):575-582. DOI:10.18307/2015.0403
CAI Ping,WU Yuchen,LIU Xin,YIN Hongbin.The contribution of sediment and algal to the formation of black bloom and their potential to supply the black substance in waters in Lake Taihu. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(4):575-582. DOI:10.18307/2015.0403
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蔡萍1, 吴雨琛1, 刘新1, 尹洪斌2
1.南京林业大学, 南京 210037;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
为确定底泥和藻体在太湖湖泛形成过程中对致黑物形成的贡献,采用室内模拟系统,研究底泥、蓝藻以及底泥+蓝藻3种处理,模拟湖水在不同厌氧程度下湖泛特征参数(黑度、铁及硫形态)的变化,分析不同处理以及受不同聚藻程度影响区(八房港、焦山)底泥对湖泛的诱发作用及致黑物供给潜力.结果表明,各处理组诱发太湖湖泛发生的难易顺序为:底泥+蓝藻处理组> 底泥处理组> 蓝藻处理组.底泥+蓝藻处理组中Fe2+浓度为蓝藻处理组的11~94倍,其平均浓度为后者的33倍,而底泥+蓝藻处理组中还原性硫浓度为其他处理组的2~56倍.研究还发现,聚藻区底泥较非聚藻区更易发生湖泛,这是由于聚藻区底泥富集了更高浓度的铁、硫等还原性物质,但厌氧处理与非厌氧处理在诱发湖泛发生的风险差异不明显.以上结果证实,厌氧环境下低价铁硫供应潜力的差异是决定湖泛发生的主要物质来源,加强对聚藻区底泥及蓝藻的控制是有效防控太湖湖泛发生的主要措施之一.
关键词:  湖泛  诱发  硫化亚铁  底泥  藻体  太湖
The contribution of sediment and algal to the formation of black bloom and their potential to supply the black substance in waters in Lake Taihu
CAI Ping1, WU Yuchen1, LIU Xin1, YIN Hongbin2
1.Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, P.R.China;2.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China
A laboratory simulation system was established to identify the contribution of algal and sediment (specially the treatments including algal, algal+sediment and sediment only) to the formation of black bloom in Lake Taihu. Blackness, iron and sulfur fractions were analyzed under varied anaerobic condition and the contribution and potential of sediment from different algal-loaded area to induce the black bloom were deduced. The results indicated the treatments have a descending order in the contribution to the formation of black bloom as: algal treatment< sediment treatment< algal+sediment treatment. Ferrous iron in the algal+sediment treatment was 11 to 94 fold (average 33 fold) as that of algal treatment. The concentration of reduced sulfide in the algal+sediment treatment was 2 to 56 fold as that of other treatments. The results also indicated that sediment in the algal-loaded area has greater potential to induce the black bloom than sediment in the non algal-loaded area. Whereas, little difference was observed in the formation of black bloom between anaerobic and non treatment. All the results indicated that the potential to supply the low valence state of iron and sulfide in anaerobic condition has a decisive effect on the formation of black bloom in Lake Taihu. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the control on algal density in the algal-loaded area.
Key words:  Black bloom  induce  ferrous iron and sulfide  sediment  algal  Lake Taihu