





引用本文:孙慧,张建锋,单奇华,汪庆兵,陈光才,吴灏.宜兴太湖防护林对农业面源污染的减源增汇作用浅析.湖泊科学,2015,27(2):227-233. DOI:10.18307/2015.0205
SUN Hui,ZHANG Jianfeng,SHAN Qihua,WANG Qingbing,CHEN Guangcai,WU Hao.Preliminary analysis of the source reduced and sink increased for agricultural non-point source pollution by forest in Lake Taihu watershed:A case study of shelter belt in Yixing City. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(2):227-233. DOI:10.18307/2015.0205
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孙慧1, 张建锋1, 单奇华2, 汪庆兵1, 陈光才1, 吴灏1
1.中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所, 富阳 311400;2.江苏省宜兴市农林局, 宜兴 214206
关键词:  太湖  宜兴  防护林  面源污染  减源  增汇
Preliminary analysis of the source reduced and sink increased for agricultural non-point source pollution by forest in Lake Taihu watershed:A case study of shelter belt in Yixing City
SUN Hui1, ZHANG Jianfeng1, SHAN Qihua2, WANG Qingbing1, CHEN Guangcai1, WU Hao1
1.Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Fuyang 311400, P. R. China;2.Yixing Agriculture and Forestry Department, Jiangsu Province, Yixing 214206, P. R. China
To inquire the control effect of agricultural non-point source pollution by the shelter forest of Lake Taihu in Yixing City, the soil samples in the shelter forest belt were collected and the contents of nutrient elements were determined. Combined with the fertilization conditions of surrounding agricultural production, the source reduced and sink increased for agricultural non-point source pollution by the shelter forest in Yixing City was analyzed. The results showed that the C, N, P and K which were fixed by the shelter forest were 2439.48, 18.34, 2.48 and 13.42 g/m2 in October 2009, and 3114.12, 23.42, 3.16 and 17.13 g/m2 in May 2011, respectively. The fixed values showed a trend of gradually increasing, reaching to 4722.46, 35.53, 4.81 and 25.99 g/m2 in C, N, P and K in August 2013. The increased proportions of C, N, P and K were 93.6%, 93.7%, 94.0% and 93.7% respectively when compared with October 2009. The above results showed that the control effect of agricultural non-point source pollution by the shelter forest belt in Yixing City around the Lake Taihu coast was significant, and it had a big contribution to the management of water pollution in Lake Taihu.
Key words:  Lake Taihu  Yixing City  shelter forest  non-point source pollution  source reduced  sink increased