





引用本文:杨彬,解启来,廖天,王勤锋,吴攀碧.博斯腾湖沉积物中有机氯农药的分布特征及生态风险评价.湖泊科学,2011,23(1):29-34. DOI:10.18307/2011.0105
YANG Bin,XIE Qilai,LIAO Tian,WANG Qinfen,WU Panbi.Distribution and ecological risk evaluation of organochlorine pesticides in sediments from Lake Bosten. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(1):29-34. DOI:10.18307/2011.0105
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杨彬1,2, 解启来1, 廖天1, 王勤锋1, 吴攀碧1
1.华南农业大学资源环境学院, 广州 510642;2.广东省环境保护产业协会, 广州 510045
新疆博斯腾湖表层沉积物中有机氯农药进行分析, 探讨其分布特征及来源, 并对其生态风险进行评价.结果表明, 沉积物中总有机氯农药的含量为2.15-16.80ng/g, 其中氯丹和滴滴涕的含量较高, 分别为0.12-12.08ng/g、O.42-5.13ng/g.博斯腾湖总有机氯农药的含量从入湖口到湖心呈现出下降的趋势, 说明其污染主要来源为上游开都河、黄水沟和附近农田排水的输入.沉积物中滴滴涕的组成特征表明, 滴滴涕主要来自于农田土壤的历史残留, 近期没有污染源输入;反式氯丹和顺式氯丹的比值表明该地区为氯丹的直接施用地, 近期可能仍有氯丹输入.与沉积物风险评估值相比较, 氯丹的含量超过了风险评价高值, 博斯腾湖沉积物中有机氯农药存在较高的生态风险。
关键词:  有机氯农药  博斯腾湖  沉积物  分布  风险评价
Distribution and ecological risk evaluation of organochlorine pesticides in sediments from Lake Bosten
YANG Bin1,2, XIE Qilai1, LIAO Tian1, WANG Qinfen1, WU Panbi1
1.College of Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, P.R.China;2.Guangdong Association of Environmental Protection Industry, Guangzhou 510045, P.R.China
The organochlorine pesticides(OCPs) were analyzed in the surface sediments of Lake Bosten in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and distribution characteristics, sources and ecological risk were evaluated.The results showed that the concentration rang of total OCPs in sediments was 2.15-16.80ng/g.Chlordane and DDTs had higher concentrations than other pesticides.The concentration range of Chlordane and DDTs were 0.12-12.08ng/g and 0.42-5.13ng/g, respectively.The total OCPs contents of Lake Bosten decreased from the entrances of the rivers to the center of the lake, which indicated that the main pollution sources were the water flowing from Kaidu River, Huangshui Ditch upstream and agricultural draining nearby.The composition of DDTs indicated that DDT compounds in sediments might be derived from the DDT-treated aged in agricultural soils, and there was no pollution source into the lake recently.The ratios of trans-chlordane/cis-chlordane for the sediments demonstrated that chlordane may still be used in Bosten basin.Compared with the ERL and ERM value of risk evaluation for sediments, the concentration of chlordane compounds was present in excess of the ERM value, which indicated that Lake Bosten would impose a high potential ecological risk.
Key words:  Organochlorine pesticides  Lake Bosten  sediment  distribution  risk evaluation