





引用本文:万能,汤俊,李林,郑凌凌,宋立荣.滇池北部湖湾不同底泥性状对微囊藻复苏影响的模拟.湖泊科学,2009,21(6):806-812. DOI:10.18307/2009.0609
WAN Neng,TANG Jun,LI Lin,ZHENG Lingling,SONG Lirong.Simulation on the sediments affecting Microcystis recruitment in north bay of Lake Dianchi. J. Lake Sci.2009,21(6):806-812. DOI:10.18307/2009.0609
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万能1,2, 汤俊1,2, 李林1, 郑凌凌1, 宋立荣1
1.中国科学院水生生物研究所淡水生态及生物技术国家重点实验室, 武汉 430072;2.常熟理工学院生物与食品工程学院, 常熟 215500
关键词:  福保湾  滇池  沉积物  微囊藻  复苏率  模拟研究  外源性输入
Simulation on the sediments affecting Microcystis recruitment in north bay of Lake Dianchi
WAN Neng1,2, TANG Jun1,2, LI Lin1, ZHENG Lingling1, SONG Lirong1
1.State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P.R.China;2.School of Biology and Food Engineering, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, P.R.China
Fubao Bay is located in the north of Lake Dianchi, which is one of the most seriously polluted bays in the lake. Two mainrivers, Haihe River and Daqinghe River flow into Fubao Bay from the north. Four sampling sites were settled in this bay, and thesediment samples were collected by using Petersen grab. For the first time, the study of recruitment ability of Microcystis in differentsediment environments was carried out in simulation devices. The results in the present study showed that the recruitment ability ofMicrocystis was quite different depended on its habitat environments. The Microcystis recovery was inhibited in lacustrine sedimentsnear estuary, and the maximum biomass (calculated as chlorophyll-a) was pretty lower than other sampling sites. Compared amongEast Coast Area, West Coast Area and Hydraulic Mud Fill Area, the Microcystis biomass were only 4.7%, 6.6% and 11.9%,respectively. And Microcystis biomass (calculated as Microcystis cell numbers) were about 5.2%, 10.3% and 19.4%, corresponding.All the results indicated that sediments in estuary of Fubao Bay were not appropriate for Microcystis recruitment. The contribution of“seeds bank” recruiting to form HABs in this bay could be much less than the wind-induced external loading. All these results couldbe helpful in Microcystis blooms forecasting, preventing and controlling in the future.
Key words:  Fubao Bay  Lake Dianchi  sediment  Microcystis  recruitment rate  simulation study  external loading