





引用本文:赵文,徐宪仲,王超,何志辉.温度对两品系蒙古裸腹溞(Moina mongolica Daday)种群增长和生殖的影响.湖泊科学,2004,16(4):365-370. DOI:10.18307/2004.0412
ZHAO Wen,XU Xianzhong,WANG Chao,HE Zhihui.Effects of Temperature on Population Growth and Reproduction of Two Strains of Moina mongolica Daday (Cladocera: Moinidae). J. Lake Sci.2004,16(4):365-370. DOI:10.18307/2004.0412
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温度对两品系蒙古裸腹溞(Moina mongolica Daday)种群增长和生殖的影响
赵文, 徐宪仲, 王超, 何志辉
大连水产学院生命科学与技术学院, 大连 116023
本文报道两品系蒙古裸腹溞(Moina mongolica Daday)(晋南、内蒙)在5种温度梯度下(15℃、18℃、25℃、28℃、32℃)的种群内禀增长率(rm)、总生殖量、寿命、产幼间隔期、生殖频率和产幼前发育期,以及在28℃条件下两品系生物学的研究结果.结果表明,温度对两品系蒙古裸腹潘的种群繁殖均具有显著的影响.在试验温度范围内,随着温度升高,两品系蒙古裸腹潘的产幼前发育期、产幼间隔期、寿命随之缩短;而内禀增长率、总生殖量、生殖频率随温度升高而先升后降.温度28℃是两品系蒙古裸腹溞种群增长的最适温度,28-32℃是其种群增长的最适温度范围.晋南品系10组个体重复试验的内禀增长率结果仍高于内蒙品系.经比较可知:在相同温度条件下,晋南品系在种群增长能力方面要明显强于内蒙品系,反映在前者的内禀增长率要大于后者.在相对较高或较低的温度条件下,内蒙品系则表现出更强的耐受能力.
关键词:  蒙古裸腹溞  内禀增长率  温度  地理品系
Effects of Temperature on Population Growth and Reproduction of Two Strains of Moina mongolica Daday (Cladocera: Moinidae)
ZHAO Wen, XU Xianzhong, WANG Chao, HE Zhihui
College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Dalian Fisheries University, Dalian 116023, P. R. China
The intrinsic rate of increases(rm), fecundity, longevity, reproduction interval, brood numbers and pre-reproduction period of two strains of Moina mongolica (Jinnan and Neimeng) were studied under 15℃,18℃,25℃, 28℃ and 32℃.Relevant population characters of two strains of M.mongolica at 28℃ were also studied.The results indicated that temperature is very importance to the reproduction of two both strains.The pre-reproduction period, reproduction interval, longevity decreased with increasing temperature in this experiment, also rm, fecundity and brood numbers increased with temperature from 18℃-28℃, while decreased with temperature > 28℃.The optimum temperature for population growth of two strains was 28℃ and the range of suitable temperature for population growth was 28 to 32℃.The intrinsic rate of increases of Jinnan strain was higher than those of Neimeng strain, even if the experimental temperature reached 28℃, From the comparison of the resultant data, we are of the opinion that the population growth capacity of Jinnan strain is higher than that of the Neimeng strain, whereas Neimeng strain has stronger thermal adaptability.
Key words:  Moina mongolica  intrinsic rate oi increase (rm)  temperature  geographical strain