





引用本文:潘继征,李文朝,陈开宁.滇池东北岸生态修复区的环境效应——Ⅰ.抑藻效应.湖泊科学,2004,16(2):142-149. DOI:10.18307/2004.0207
PAN Jizheng,LI Wenchao,CHEN Kaining.A Study on the Environmental Effect in the Zone of Restoration of Aquatic Plants Covered at the Northeast of Dianchi Lake: I. The Effect on the Controlling of Alga Blooming. J. Lake Sci.2004,16(2):142-149. DOI:10.18307/2004.0207
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潘继征, 李文朝, 陈开宁
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
关键词:  滇池  沿岸带  生态修复  抑藻效应
A Study on the Environmental Effect in the Zone of Restoration of Aquatic Plants Covered at the Northeast of Dianchi Lake: I. The Effect on the Controlling of Alga Blooming
PAN Jizheng, LI Wenchao, CHEN Kaining
Nanjng Institute of Geogrephy and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
This paper mainly deals with the effect of the alga blooming controlled in the restoration zone covered by aquatic plants in the northeast of Dianchi Lake.The restoration mainly combined with the communities of Typha orientalis Presl., Typha angustifolia L.Zizania latifolia Turcz,, Phragmitis communis Trin,, P.malaianus Miq., and Myriophyllum spicatum L.Comparing the concentration of Chi.a of the restoration zone with the control's,the process of the changing of the alga with the enclosing test was analyzed.The result showed that the restoration zone had a high efficiency of algae enriching.The concentration of Chi.a in the side of the zone was about as 29 times as the control during the alga blooming.In certain time (from Jul.to Oct., 2003), the efficiency of the treatment for the concentration of Chi.a can be more than 90%.From the research, we found that the decomposing process of the alga during the alga blooming accord with the kinetic equation of the first grade with the coefficient k=0.2173, and the ability of the treatment for the alga can get 3.7kg/m3 in the restoration zone.At the same time, the efficiency of shading light of the emergent plant in the restoration zone can be more than 90%, and the photosynthesis rate of the alga also decreased about 60%.
Key words:  Dianchi Lake  aquatic plants  ecological restoration  effect of controlling algal