





引用本文:于兴修,杨桂山,欧维新.非点源污染对太湖上游西苕溪流域水环境的影响.湖泊科学,2003,15(1):49-56. DOI:10.18307/2003.0107
YU Xingxiu,YANG Guishan,OU Weixin.Impacts of Non-point Source Pollution on the Water Environment of Xitiaoxi Watershed, Upper Taihu Basin. J. Lake Sci.2003,15(1):49-56. DOI:10.18307/2003.0107
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于兴修1,2, 杨桂山1, 欧维新1,2
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100039
关键词:  太湖流域  非点源污染  土地利用  水质指数  WQI
Impacts of Non-point Source Pollution on the Water Environment of Xitiaoxi Watershed, Upper Taihu Basin
YU Xingxiu1,2, YANG Guishan1, OU Weixin1,2
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R China;2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. China
The scare of fresh water has been becoming a focus issue in the world, while water quality deterioration enhances the seriousness of the problem. To assess the water quality and its impact factors can provide basic information for water resource management. This paper verified the usefulness of water quality indices (WQI) to assess the water quality from multiple measured parameters, and to evaluate the spatial and temporal change. The WQI which takes into consideration all the measured parameters not only shows a similar trend to the results of analyzing separate parameters and the index of compositive pollution, but also display the overall water quality and can predict precisely the change trend of water quality. As a case study, we use the WQI to evaluate spatial and temporal changes in the water quality from Xitiaoxi Catchment, upper reaches of Taihu Basin, and assess the degree of factors influencing water quality. The nonpoint source pollution caused by land use produces a serious and negative effect on the water quality because only controlling and management point sources only increase 6.5% of water quality. The water quality gradually deteriorated along the river from upper reaches to lower reaches mainly due to the land use change. So, in the future, the highest priority measure to improve water quality of Xitiaoxi Catchment should be controlling non-point pollution resources.
Key words:  Taihu Basin  land use  non-point source pollution  Water Quality Index(WQI)