





引用本文:张堂林,李钟杰,崔奕波.湖北牛山湖高体鳑鮍的年龄、生长与繁殖.湖泊科学,2002,14(3):267-272. DOI:10.18307/2002.0312
ZHANG Tanglin,LI Zhongjie,CUI Yibo.Age, Growth and Reproduction of Rhodeus ocellatus in the Niushan Lake Hubei Province. J. Lake Sci.2002,14(3):267-272. DOI:10.18307/2002.0312
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张堂林, 李钟杰, 崔奕波
中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉430072
研究了牛山湖高体鳑鮍的年龄、生长和繁殖特征.鱗片上年轮清晰,主要呈现疏密特征.种群年龄结构简单,仅由一个世代组成;雄与雌的比例为1.59:1(n=>332),显著不同于1:1(X2=16.94,P< 0.005)而符合2:1的类型(X2=3.82,P〉0.05).两性最大寿命不超过2a.雄、雌体全长与体重、全长与体长的回归方程差异显著.在繁殖期 间,雌雄鱼均出现第二性征.雄鱼最小成熟个体的全长和体重分别为26mm、0.216g,雌鱼则 分别为32mm、0.393g.性成熟年龄为la,属分批产卵类型.成熟卵粒呈葫芦状,长度平均 3.31mm.每尾雌鱼平均繁殖力为61粒,繁殖力与全长及体重均呈显著相关(P<0.001).
关键词:  髙体鳑鮍年龄生长繁殖牛
Age, Growth and Reproduction of Rhodeus ocellatus in the Niushan Lake Hubei Province
ZHANG Tanglin, LI Zhongjie, CUI Yibo
Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P.R, China
Niushan Lake (114°32' E, 30°19' N),situated in Hubei Province of China is a shallow macrophyte lake in the middle reachesof the Changjiang (Yangtse) River with a total surface a.ea of 40 km2.Age growth and reproduction of Rhodeus ocellatus from the lake were studied during April to June 1999.Annuli on scales were clear and could be used as valid indicators of age.The population of the bitterling comprised only one age group and the maximum of life span for both sexes may be less than 2 years.The sex ratio of males tofemales was 1.59:1 (n=332) with significant difference from 1:1 (X2test,Xc2 16.94 P<0.01) The relation-ship between total length n=(TL, mm) and body weight n=(W, g) for sexes was expressed by the equation lnW=-11.945+3.163 lnTL (n=238,r=0.98,P〈 0.0001).Slope of the equation was significantly greater than 3 (P〈 0.01).This may suggest an allometiic growth. The bitterling were multiple spawners reaching maturity in the second year.During spawning,both sexes exhibited secondary sexualcharacters.Minimum size was 26 mm in total length and 0.216 g in weight for males and 32 mm and 0.393 g for females.Mature eggs were cucurbit-like form with mean size of 3.31 mm long (n=23,SD=0.14).Fecundity per female averaged 61 eggs (n=46,SD=18) with a range of from28 to 119.In addition to that, There wassignificantly correlation of fecundity (F,eggs) to total length (TL,mm) or body weight n=(W,g)(p〈 0.0001),and the relationships were expressed by the equations F=26.1+83.2 W (n=52 r=0.73) F=4.78 10-3 TL2.537 (n=52 r=0.78).
Key words:  Rhodeus ocellatus  age  growth  reproduction  Niushan Lake