





引用本文:李荣刚,夏源陵,吴安之,钱一声.江苏太湖地区水污染物及其向水体的排放量.湖泊科学,2000,12(2):147-153. DOI:10.18307/2000.0208
LI Ronggang,XIA Yuanling,WU Anzhi,QIAN Yisheng.Pollutants Sources and Their Discharging Amount in Taihu Lake Area of Jiangsu Province. J. Lake Sci.2000,12(2):147-153. DOI:10.18307/2000.0208
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李荣刚1, 夏源陵2, 吴安之3, 钱一声3
1.江苏省农林厅, 南京210013;2.江苏省武进市计划委员会, 武进213161;3.江苏省武进市农业局, 武进213161
1997年各污染源累计向江苏太湖地区水体排放 TN 64824 t,各污染源中 TN所占份额的高低顺序为:农田 24%、工业 22%、人粪尿 18%、畜禽粪尿 16%、生活污水 14%、精养鱼塘6%.种植业、畜牧业、渔业累计占 46%,农业生产对水体的氮素污染较重.CODCr排放量的高低顺序为生活污水 89385t、人粪尿 74 551t、畜禽粪尿 16820 t、精养鱼塘 2 758.5t;TP为畜禽粪尿 7241t、生活污水 2239t、人粪尿 1969t、精养鱼塘 407.3t.等标污染负荷分析结果表明:畜禽粪尿、生活污水、人粪尿、精养鱼塘四种污染源对水体的污染均表现为 TP最重、TN次之、CODCr最轻.
关键词:  太湖地区  水污染  排放量
Pollutants Sources and Their Discharging Amount in Taihu Lake Area of Jiangsu Province
LI Ronggang1, XIA Yuanling2, WU Anzhi3, QIAN Yisheng3
1.Jiangsu Depeartment of Agriculture and Forestry, Nanjing 210013;2.Wujin Municip ality Plan Committee of Jiangsu Province, Wujin 213161, China;3.Wujin Municipality Agriculture Bureau of Jiangsu Province, Wujin 213161, China
Total nitrogen discharged from different sources in Taihu Lake area of.Jangsu province in 1997 is estimated as 64824t.Proportion of total nitrogen discharged into Taihu Lake area water system of Jiangsu Province from different sources in this area is 24% from farmland, 22% from industry, 18% from human manure and urine, 16% from animal & poultry manure and urine, 14% from life waste water, and 6% from carefully rasied fish pond.Nitrogen amount discharged from field, animal husbandry and fishery targets 46% of total nitrogen into the water, which shows that nitrogen pollution from agriculture production is serious.Proportions of CODcr discharge from different sources are shown in detail 89385 t°a-1 from life waste water, 74551 t°a-1 from human manure and urine, 16820 t°a-1 from animal & poultry manure and urine, 2758.5t°a-1 from carefully raised fish pond and TP (total phosphorus) is 7241°a-1 from animal& poultry manure and urine, 2239t°a-1 from life waste water, 1969t °a-1 from human manure and urine, 407.3t°a-1 from carefully raised fish pond.Results of equivalent standard polluting load analysis show that the cosequence of worsening water quality is resulted from TP, TN and CODcr in life waste water, human manure and urine, animal& poultry manure and urine and carefully raised fish pond.
Key words:  Taihu Lake area  water pollutants  discharging pollutant amount