





引用本文:戴泽贵,曹克驹.全国水库渔业资源数据的初步统计分析.湖泊科学,1999,11(1):45-51. DOI:10.18307/1999.0107
DAI Ze-gui,CAO Ke-Ju.A Preliminary Statistical Analysis of Fishery Resource Data of Reservoirs in China. J. Lake Sci.1999,11(1):45-51. DOI:10.18307/1999.0107
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戴泽贵1, 曹克驹2
1.水利部中国科学院水库渔业研究所, 武汉 430079;2.华中农业大学水产学院, 武汉 430070
将1980-1994年间全国25个省(市、区)527座水库渔业资源调查数据在计算机上运用SYSTAT软件初步建立基础数据库, 对水库形态与自然环境、水的理化性质、生物学等三大层次52项指标进行了初步统计分析.结果表明, 山谷、丘陵和平原型水库座数比约为3:6:1;各种类型水库平均鱼产量以小型山谷型最高.中型平原型最低.各指标值的分布差别较大, 三大层次中变异最小的指标分别为竣工年份(FYR)、pH值(pH)和二龄鳙体长(BL), 变异最大的指标分别为集雨面积(CA)、氮磷比(NPI)和底栖动物生物量(BB);在不同鱼产量等级水库中差异均显著的指标为日照时数(IH)、无霜期(NFD)、最大水深(MAXD)、平均水深(MD)、pH值、浮游植物生物量(BP)、浮游动物数量(DZ)和浮游生物总量(BP);在30-35°N区间内的水库平均鱼产量最高, 偏南或偏北的水库平均鱼产量均较低, 作者建议尽快建立和完善全国水库渔业资源基础数据库, 并逐步组建全国水库渔业资源管理信息系统.
关键词:  水库渔业资源  数据  统计分析
A Preliminary Statistical Analysis of Fishery Resource Data of Reservoirs in China
DAI Ze-gui1, CAO Ke-Ju2
1.Institute of Reservoir Fisheries, Ministry of Water Resources & Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430079;2.Fishery College. Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070
The basic database is established preliminarily on IBM-PC with SYSTAT by using fishery resources data (investigated from 1980 to 1994) of 527 reservoirs of 25 provinces in China.52 targets, which belong to 3 layers : reservoir morphology and natural environment, water physics and chemistry, hydrobiology and fish growth, were analysed preliminarily.The results show that the ratio of valley-, hilly-and plain-typed reservoirs is 3:6:1;the average fish yield of small-sized and valley-typed reservoirs is the highest, and that of small-sized and valley-typed reservoirs is the lowest.On the first layer, the data of each geography and climatology target are normally distributed and the Cv is smaller;the data of most morphology and hydrology targets, except FYR (finished year), MAXD (maximum depth) and MD (mean depth), are skewed distributed, and the Cv is larger.The NPI (total nitrogen to total phosphorus index) has the largest Cv on the second layer, which shows taht the two factors TN and TP are not coordinate in most reservoirs in China.All the targets of IH (illumination hours), NFD(annual no frost days), MAXD, MD, PH (value of pH), BP (biomass of phytoplankton), DZ (density of zooplankton) and BPZ( total biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton) are significantly different among different fish yield levels.The database also reveals that the fish yield of reservoirs located in 30-35°N, is 6 times of that located in 45-50°N.It is suggested that the national database of fishery resources of reservoirs in China should he established as soon as possible, so that the management information system of reservoir fishery resources could be further established step by step.
Key words:  Reservoir fishery resources  database  statistical analysis