





引用本文:朱育新,王苏民,羊向东,吴瑞金.中晚全新世江汉平原沔城地区古人类活动的湖泊沉积记录.湖泊科学,1999,11(1):33-39. DOI:10.18307/1999.0105
ZHU Yu-xin,WANG Su-min,YANG Xiang-dong,WU Run-jin.Lake Sediment Records of Human Activity in Mid-late Holocene at Miancheng Area, Jianghan Plain. J. Lake Sci.1999,11(1):33-39. DOI:10.18307/1999.0105
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朱育新, 王苏民, 羊向东, 吴瑞金
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊沉积与环境开放实验室, 南京 210008
1992年10月, 在江汉平原沔城钻探, 取得总长56.18m的柱状岩芯根据M1孔湖 泊沉积岩性及所含文化遗物、14C年代测定, 以及深受人类活动影响的气候与环境指标如孢粉、频 率磁化率、化学元素P等分析, 结合该区文化遗址的时空分布, 揭示了沔城地区中晚全新世人类活 动的时间序列及与古气候、古环境的关系:6 7-3.5kaBP该区气候温暖湿润, 为河间洼地和浅湖环境;2.5-1.7kaBP湖泊稳定, 均无人类居住, 但受周围地区影响:3.5-2.5kaBP人类活动影响较大;1.7kaBP以来该区出露, 有人居住.反映在生产力不高的时代, 湖进入退, 湖退人进, 人类被动适 应自然的过程.
关键词:  人类活动  沉积记录  江汉平原  中晚全新世
基金项目:国家自然科学基金, 49802015;中国科学院重点科研项目, Z-011
Lake Sediment Records of Human Activity in Mid-late Holocene at Miancheng Area, Jianghan Plain
ZHU Yu-xin, WANG Su-min, YANG Xiang-dong, WU Run-jin
Lake Sedimentation and Environment Lab. , Nanjing Institute of Geography Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008
Jianghan Plain, a very famous plain fo.r its abundant products and river-lake cross landscape, is the place where Yunmenze palaeolake existed.The Miancheng area is the sedimentation center of Jianghan Plain with lowlying topography.Human activities on this area were comparatively late in history.A 56.18-m-core was collected in Miancheng of Jiang plain in Oct.1992.According to the sediment lithology, cultural remnants, 14C chronology and human-derived environmental proxies, e.g.pollen, frequency magnetic susceptibility and chemical element phosphorous, the temporal sequences of human activities in Miancheng area since the mid-late Holocene and its relation with palaeoenvironment are discussed in this paper combined with the study on temporal-spatial distribution of cultural relics in this area.The results have shown that the climate was warm and wet in 6.7-3.5 kaBP, and the core site was characterized by fluvial depression or shallow lake environment .In 2.5-1.7 kaBP, the lake was stable and there was no human dwelling, but was slightly influenced by human activities in surrounding area.In 3.5-2.5 kaBP, the influence of human activities was enhanced.The core site was exposed since 1.7 kaBP and there were human residents in this area.All above suggest the human being’s subjection to nature in the era of poor productivity, i.e.human being withdrawing with the lake transgression, and marching with the lake regression.
Key words:  Human activities  sediment record  Jianghan Plain  mid-late Holocene