





引用本文:窦鸿身,闵骞,史复祥.围垦对鄱阳湖洪水位的影响及防治对策.湖泊科学,1999,11(1):20-27. DOI:10.18307/1999.0103
DOU Hong-sheng,MING Qian,SHI Fu-xiang.Impacts of Reclamation on the Flood Regime in Poyang Lake and Countermeasures. J. Lake Sci.1999,11(1):20-27. DOI:10.18307/1999.0103
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窦鸿身1, 闵骞2, 史复祥1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2.江西省都昌蒸发站, 都昌 332600
略述了鄱阳湖围垦的简要历史和现状, 分析了近50年来洪水位的演变趋势, 指出围垦使鄱阳湖面积和容积缩小, 调蓄功能衰退, 以致水情不断恶化, 洪峰水位逐渐上升, 高水位的出现频率明显加大, 致灾洪水越来越频繁.在此基础上, 将围垦对洪水位的影响进行了分析计算, 得出了各典型年洪水在不同围垦背景下的围垦效应值
关键词:  鄱阳湖  围垦  洪涝灾害  对策
基金项目:中国科学院基础研究特别支持项目, “人类活动对湖沼系统影响与对策研究”资助.
Impacts of Reclamation on the Flood Regime in Poyang Lake and Countermeasures
DOU Hong-sheng1, MING Qian2, SHI Fu-xiang1
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese, Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008;2.Duchang Evaporation Observation Station of Jiangxi Province, Duchang 332600
Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China with a catchment area of 162000km2.The only outlet to the Changjiang River is at Hukou.The flood regimes in the lake are mainly controlled by the Changjiang River and the 5 tributaries to the lake.The reclamation in the lake area may be traced back to the Song Dynasty.The benefits of reclamation to mankind were inevitably hampered due to the frequent, natural flooding.It was estimated that an area of 15.8 km2 had been reclaimed before 1949, among which the standards of many dykes were too low to resist heavy flooding.After 1949, the economic growth as well the urgency for eliminating popular snail fever in the lake beach triggered the large-scale reclamation movement around the lake.Up to 1995, statistics show that a total area of 1466.9km2 has been reclaimed, which brought a series of unfavorable influences on the flood regimes of the lake, such as: (1) the shrinkage of lake area and capacities, (2) the deterioration of flood regulating and functioning, and (3) the ascending of peak floods and corresponding frequencies.The impacts of reclamation on the flood regime of Poyang Lake are analyzed.Five represent -ative flood years, i.e., 1954, 1962, 1976, 1983 and 1995 are selected? as backgrounds for estimation.Comparisons are made between the calculated and observed flood characters of certain typical flood years under present reclamation conditions.Furthermore, the supposing flood peak changes conditioning future reclamation/de-reclamation based on 1954-type flood processes under present vsituation are given.The more de-reclamation, the more will flood regime be alleviated.
Key words:  Poyang Lake  reclamation  flood disaster  countermeasures