





引用本文:李勤生,许建华.武汉东湖几丁质分解菌生态研究.湖泊科学,1993,5(1):56-61. DOI:10.18307/1993.0108
Li Qinsheng,Xu Jianhua.Study on ecology of chitin-decomposing microorganisms in donghu lake (in wuhan, china). J. Lake Sci.1993,5(1):56-61. DOI:10.18307/1993.0108
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李勤生, 许建华
中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉 430072
关键词:  几丁质分解菌  细菌  放线菌  水微生物生态
Study on ecology of chitin-decomposing microorganisms in donghu lake (in wuhan, china)
Li Qinsheng, Xu Jianhua
Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, Wuhan 430072
Chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature. It has been estimated that 10u tons of chitin are produced annually in the aquatic biosphere in such forms as the exoskeletons of crustanceans, mollusca, coelenterates, in protozoa and in the cell walls of fungi and algae. Therefore the decomposition of chitin is an important component in the recycling of carbon and nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems. In the nature, conversion of chitin to β-1,4 N-acetylglucosamine(NAG) depends on microorganisms. In the present work, the dynamics and distribution of population, the species composition and the decomposing activity of chitin-decomposing microorganism in Donghu Lake (a eutrophic shallow lake in Wuhan, China) were studied. 1. Dynamics and distribution:During March-May, 1991, the numbers of chitin-decomposing microorganisms are higher in the Station I than in the Station I;and much higher in the sediment than in the water column (about 102-103). As the temperature increased from 9℃ to 25℃, the chitin-decomposing microorganisms increased with a higher ratio of actinomycetes. (Tab. l, Fig. 1). 2. Spesies composition Actinomycetes and bacteria are included in chitin-decomposing microorganisms. In 155 identified strains of microorganisms there are Streptomyces (72 strains), Streptosporangium (9 strains), Micromonospora (10 strains). Micropolyspora (11 strains), Bacillus (20 strains), (Serreatia (10 strains), Micrococcus (11 strains Aeromonas (11 strains), Brevibacterium (1 strain) and 2 strains unidentified. The Streptomyces and Bacillus are the dominant groups (45.9% and 12.7% respectively). 3. Comparison of decomposing activity of strains; Acording to the value of decomposing clear zone to colony size, the results are shown in Table 2. Worth mentioning is that there are about 55% strains which belong to actinomycetes with higher decomposing activity for chitin, the CZ/CS value over 2.
Key words:  Chitin-decomposing microorganisms  bacteria  actiomycetes  aquatic microbio-ecology