





引用本文:周乃晟,袁雯,范业正,黄岁梁,王平.东、南洞庭湖的径流、泥沙特征及冲淤规律.湖泊科学,1992,4(4):29-40. DOI:10.18307/1992.0405
Zhou Naisheng,Yuan Wen,Fan Yezhen,Huang Suiliang,Wang Ping.Characteristics of runoff and sediment and regularity of alluviation and siltation in east and south Dongting Lake. J. Lake Sci.1992,4(4):29-40. DOI:10.18307/1992.0405
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周乃晟1, 袁雯1, 范业正1, 黄岁梁2, 王平2
1.华东师范大学地理系, 上海20006;2.湖南省航务工程设计研究所
关键词:  东、南洞庭湖  径流  泥沙  冲刷  淤积
Characteristics of runoff and sediment and regularity of alluviation and siltation in east and south Dongting Lake
Zhou Naisheng1, Yuan Wen1, Fan Yezhen1, Huang Suiliang2, Wang Ping2
1.East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062;2.Hanan Provide Navigation Ins.
1.The inflow of East and South Dongting Lake mainly comes from West Dongting Lake and the Xiang-jiang River, making up about 78.3% of the total inflow.However.the hydrological regime is affected to a larger extent by the inflows of the Ouchi.Songzi and Taiping mouthes of the Changjiang River rather than by the Xiang, Zi, Yuan and Li rivers.The lake regulating function between flood and drought years is weak, since the correlation coefficient between inflow and outflow is 0.98.2.In flood season the inflow and outflow in the lake are concetrated in the period from May to Oct.Because the lake is charged by the inflow of the Xiang and Zi rivers before flood water of the Changjiang River comes, the regulating effect for flood of the Changjiang River is getting reduced.3.The suspended sediments of the lake mainly come from the three inlets.Their accumulation is dominant in the silt-abundant years, producing about 67 000 000 tons of sediments per year and 2.09 cm thick in average.4.The sediments of the lake are characterized by siltation during flood seasons and alluviation during drought seasons.Generally, the fomier occurs during the period of Jan.-Apr.and Nov.-Dec.and the latter between June and Sep..The maximum intensity values appear in Apr.and July to Aug., respectively.The total amount of yearly alluviation is much less than that of yearly siltation, so the lake is always in the serious silting situation whenever in flood year, average year or drought year.5.the curve cut-off on the part of the Jingjiang River obviously shows a decrease in the inflows from three inlets.Among these, the Ouchikou has a decrease of more than 60%.It also makes the sediment discharge decrease to some extent.The Ouchikou has a decrease of more than 50%, the Chenglingji about 40%, and the net sediment discharge only 16%.6.The lake is mainly in the silting status in case of high-water level.The alluviation intensity is much less than the silting intensity at any water level.The alluviation and siltation can be distinguished from the variation of water level.
Key words:  East and south Dongting Lake  runoff  sediment  alluviation  siltation