





引用本文:胡小贞,许秋瑾,蒋丽佳,董思远,金丹越.湖泊缓冲带范围划定的初步研究——以太湖为例.湖泊科学,2011,23(5):719-724. DOI:10.18307/2011.0508
HU Xiaozhen,XU Qiujin,JIANG Lijia,DONG Siyuan,JIN Danyue.A preliminary study on demarcation limits of lake buffer zones:a case study of Lake Taihu. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(5):719-724. DOI:10.18307/2011.0508
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胡小贞1, 许秋瑾1, 蒋丽佳1, 董思远1, 金丹越2
1.中国环境科学研究院湖泊工程技术中心, 北京 100012;2.北京锡兰石环境工程公司, 北京 100012
本文以我国大型浅水湖泊——太湖为例, 通过资料调研、地形勘测、现场调查、研究与分析等手段, 开展太湖缓冲带范围划定研究.在文献调研国内外河湖缓冲带研究的基础上, 确定太湖缓冲带宽度为2km不等.其中环湖大堤及湖岸线为缓冲带的下边界, 以下边界线向陆地扩展2km不等为基准, 考虑标识物(村落、山体、公路)及区域差异等原则, 确定缓冲带的上边界.按边界土地利用类型划分, 太湖缓冲带可分为村落农田型、公路型和山体型三种典型类型.村落农田型缓冲带以距湖岸2.0km左右的行政村为上边界, 公路型缓冲带以距离湖岸1.5-2.0km与太湖湖岸平行的公路为上边界, 山体型缓冲带以山体山脊作为上边界.按此原则与方法, 基于1:5000地形图, 以Auto CAD为工具, 计算出太湖缓冲带总长度为382.75km, 总面积约为452.31km2
关键词:  湖泊  缓冲带  范围划定  太湖
A preliminary study on demarcation limits of lake buffer zones:a case study of Lake Taihu
HU Xiaozhen1, XU Qiujin1, JIANG Lijia1, DONG Siyuan1, JIN Danyue2
1.Lake Engineering Research Center, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P.R.China;2.Beijing Ceylon Stone Environmental Engineering Company, Beijing 100012, P.R.China
Taking Lake Taihu which was the third largest shallow lake in China as an example, we researched the demarcation of buffer zone on the basis of information collection, topographic survey and field investigation.On domestic and international litera-tures about buffer zones of lakes, we preliminarily defined approximately 2 km wide as the width of Lake Taihu buffer zone.Con-sidering the principles of land markers (villages, roads, mountains)and regional differences of regulations and planning, we de-fined the upper and lower boundaries of the buffer zone.The lower boundary was at the lake shoreline or levees around the lake.The upper boundary was at approximately 2 km from the lower boundary.According to land use types, there were three typical types of villages, roads and mountains in Lake Taihu buffer zone.The upper boundary at village area was divided by the adminis-trative villages about 2.0 km from the lakeshore, and was divided by roads when the roads are paralleled with the lake shores.At mountain area, the upper boundary was divided by mountain ridges.On the 1∶ 5000 topographic maps, we calculated 382.75 km in total length and 452.31 km2 in the total area of Lake Taihu buffer zone by means of Auto CAD software.
Key words:  Lake  buffer zone  boundary division  Lake Taihu