





引用本文:景连东,敖鸿毅,刘剑彤,李小平.人工浮床运用于入湖河流原位净化模拟研究.湖泊科学,2011,23(5):708-718. DOI:10.18307/2011.0507
JING Liandong,AO Hongyi,LIU Jiantong,LI Xiaoping.Simulation study on in situ purification of lake inlets with artificial floating bed. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(5):708-718. DOI:10.18307/2011.0507
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景连东1,2, 敖鸿毅1, 刘剑彤1, 李小平1
1.中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉 430072;2.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
2009年11月至次年7月, 在太滆运河滆湖入运河段开展黑麦草与美人蕉、水芹菜分别搭配混种的人工浮床对河流水体原位净化动态模拟研究.结果表明该人工浮床能够持续净化流动水体.人工浮床对TN去除率为5%-35%, TP去除率为5%-40%, CODMn去除率为5%-20%.在温度相对较高、浮床植物迅速生长的情况下浮床去除率较高.试验中水体交换时间对人工浮床去除率的影响有季节性的差异.人工浮床的去除负荷随温度和植物生长的变化趋势与去除率变化趋势基本同步.不过无论在哪个季节去除负荷都随着水体交换时间的变短而增加.人工浮床的净化效果主要表现在无论是冬季还是在春夏季都能够明显去除水体中悬浮物, 增加水体透明度, 进而去除颗粒态营养物质.浮床在夏季对可溶性磷和溶解性氮中的铵态氮具有明显的去除作用.硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮受浮床影响较小.人工浮床通过改变水体理化环境作用于营养盐的循环值得关注。
关键词:  人工浮床  原位净化  去除率  去除负荷  动态试验
Simulation study on in situ purification of lake inlets with artificial floating bed
JING Liandong1,2, AO Hongyi1, LIU Jiantong1, LI Xiaoping1
1.Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P.R.China;2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P.R.China
An in situ simulation study about river purification was carried out in Taige Canal from November 2009 to July 2010, using artificial floating beds which were planted by plants Canna generalis, Oenanthe clecumbens and Lolium perenne.The research showed that the artificial floating bed can purify the river water uninterruptedly.The removal rates are 5% 35%, 5% 40% and 5% 20% for TN, TP and CODMn, respectively.The removal effects were better under the conditions of high temperature and the rapid growth of floating plants.Water exchange time in different seasons influenced the removal rates differently.Trend of removal loading with different temperatures and growing stages was similar to removal rates.However, the removal loading would increase with decrease of the water exchange time in any seasons.The main purification effects of artificial floating bed can remove the sus-pended solid and increase the Secchi depth, so that the particulate nutrient can be removed.In summer, it can removed dissolved phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen significantly.The floating bed had only few effects on the nitrate and nitrite nitrogen.Effects of artificial floating bed on the cycles of nutrients by the changes of physical and chemical environment deserve to pay more attentions.
Key words:  Artificial floating bed  in situ purification  removal rate  removal loading  dynamic study