





引用本文:赵健,周怀东,富国,赵高峰,陆瑾,王雨春,袁浩.河北西大洋水库沉积物中多环芳烃的分布、来源及生态风险评价.湖泊科学,2011,23(5):701-707. DOI:10.18307/2011.0506
ZHAO Jian,ZHOU Huaidong,Fu Guo,ZHAO Gaofeng,LU Jin,WANG Yuchun,YUAN Hao.Distributions, sources and ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-bons in sediments from Xidayang Reservoir, Hebei Province. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(5):701-707. DOI:10.18307/2011.0506
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赵健1, 周怀东2, 富国1, 赵高峰2, 陆瑾2, 王雨春2, 袁浩2
1.中国环境科学研究院, 北京 100012;2.中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038
分析了河北西大洋水库沉积物中16种多环芳烃的含量及分布状况, 并对其来源和生态风险进行了分析和评估.结果表明, 表层沉积物多环芳烃总含量范围在422.36-1052.90ng/g之间, 且由库区上游到坝前逐渐升高.水库剖面沉积物中多环芳烃总含量在388.81-1205.56ng/g之间, 自底层20cm到表层多环芳烃呈上升的趋势.沉积物中多环芳烃组成以低环的萘和菲, 高环的荧蒽、苯并[b]荧蒽、屈和芘为主.表层和剖面沉积物中多环芳烃总含量与有机碳含量呈正相关关系, 相关系数分别为0.91和0.93;此外, 有机碳对高环多环芳烃的影响更显著.西大洋水库沉积物中多环芳烃主要来源化石燃料及生物质的燃烧.总体来说, 西大洋水库沉积物多环芳烃污染处于中等偏低污染水平, 多环芳烃对生态环境的影响目前还处于较低风险水平。
关键词:  西大洋水库  沉积物  多环芳烃  分布  生态风险
Distributions, sources and ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-bons in sediments from Xidayang Reservoir, Hebei Province
ZHAO Jian1, ZHOU Huaidong2, Fu Guo1, ZHAO Gaofeng2, LU Jin2, WANG Yuchun2, YUAN Hao2
1.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P.R.China;2.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, P.R China
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) of 16 types were measured in sediment from Xidayang Reservoir, Hebei Prov-ince, and the possible sources and potential risk assessment also had been analyzed.Total PAHs concentrations varied from 422.36 to 1052.90 ng/g in surface sediment, and increased continuously from reservoir upstream to the front areas of the reservoir dam.The total PAHs concentrations ranged from 388.81 to 1205.56 ng/g in a sediment profile, and increased continuously from the bot-tom(20 cm under the surface) to the surface sediment.Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Benzo(b) fluoranthene, Chrysene and Pyrene were dominant compounds of PAHs in the sediment.The total PAHs concentration was positively correlated to TOC contents with a correlation coefficient of 0.91 in surface sediment and 0.93 in profile sediment.TOC absorbs more strongly high molecular weight PAHs(HPAHs) than low molecular weight PAHs(LPAHs).The main source of PAHs was originated from com-bustions of fossil fuels and biomass.In general, PAHs pollution in sediment appeared to be moderate to low leveling in Xidayang Reser-voir.Risk assessment suggested that PAHs was no significant biological impairment, suggesting a low toxicological risk up to now.
Key words:  Xidayang Reservoir  sediment  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  distribution  ecological risk