





引用本文:唐诗琴,王庆,刘璐,杨宇峰.基于环境DNA宏条形码技术的水体无脊椎动物多样性研究:以广州海珠湖为例.湖泊科学,2023,35(4):1443-1456. DOI:10.18307/2023.0437
Tang Shiqin,Wang Qing,Liu Lu,Yang Yufeng.Biodiversity of aquatic invertebrates based on environmental DNA metabarcoding technology: A case study of Lake Haizhu in Guangzhou. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(4):1443-1456. DOI:10.18307/2023.0437
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唐诗琴, 王庆, 刘璐, 杨宇峰
暨南大学生态学系, 人与自然生命共同体实验室, 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海), 广州 510632
关键词:  广州海珠国家湿地公园  环境DNA  无脊椎动物  浮游动物  生物多样性
Biodiversity of aquatic invertebrates based on environmental DNA metabarcoding technology: A case study of Lake Haizhu in Guangzhou
Tang Shiqin, Wang Qing, Liu Lu, Yang Yufeng
Department of Ecology, Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Science in Guangdong Province of Jinan University, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Guangzhou 510632, P. R. China
The diversity and community structure of invertebrates in the water and sediment of Lake Haizhu in the Guangzhou Haizhu National Wetland Park was investigated based on environmental DNA metabarcoding technology (eDNA), and the detection ability for zooplankton was compared between eDNA and traditional morphological identification. The results showed that a total of 9 phyla, 16 classes, 34 orders, 71 families, 93 genera and 137 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of aquatic invertebrates were detected by eDNA. In the samples directly collected from water (W), a total of 9 phyla, 50 genera and 68 OTUs were detected; in the samples collected by a planktonic net (N), a total of 6 phyla, 27 genera and 35 OTUs were detected; and in the sedimental samples (S), a total of 9 phyla, 70 genera and 103 OTUs were detected. Rotifera and Arthropoda were the major invertebrates in both W and N; Annelida and Arthropoda were the major invertebrates in S. The OTU number was highest in S, followed by W and N. The copepods (100%) and most of rotifers (58.82%) identified by the morphological method could be annotated by eDNA, while most of the copepods (71.43%) and rotifers (58.82%) annotated by eDNA were not detected by the morphological identification; and cladocerans was not annotated by eDNA. The results suggest that eDNA has high potential for invertebrate surveys, and the combination of eDNA and traditional morphological identification provides a more comprehensive understanding of invertebrates and aquatic biodiversity of the lake ecosystem.
Key words:  Guangzhou Haizhu National Wetland Park  environmental DNA  invertebrates  zooplankton  biodiversity