





引用本文:白承荣,蔡舰,汤祥明,高光,邵克强,胡洋,于传宁,刘京涛,夏江宝,孙景宽.大型浅水湖泊中浮游细菌群落的空间格局及其驱动机制——以太湖为例.湖泊科学,2023,35(4):1433-1442. DOI:10.18307/2023.0436
Bai Chengrong,Cai Jian,Tang Xiangming,Gao Guang,Shao Keqiang,Hu Yang,Yu Chuanning,Liu Jingtao,Xia Jiangbao,Sun Jingkuan.Spatial patterns and community assembly mechanisms of bacterioplankton in large shallow lakes: A case study of Lake Taihu. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(4):1433-1442. DOI:10.18307/2023.0436
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白承荣1, 蔡舰2,3, 汤祥明2, 高光2, 邵克强2, 胡洋2, 于传宁4, 刘京涛1, 夏江宝1, 孙景宽1
1.滨州学院山东省黄河三角洲生态环境重点实验室, 滨州 256600;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008;3.襄阳职业技术学院, 襄阳 441050;4.滨州市水文中心, 滨州 256600
浮游细菌在驱动湖泊物质循环、指示湖泊水环境质量等方面发挥重要作用,探明其在湖泊中的空间分布格局及其驱动机制,是揭示湖泊物质循环过程及水环境状况的关键。浅水湖泊具有水动力扰动强烈的生境特点,其中的浮游细菌群落空间格局的形成机制尚未明晰。本研究以大型浅水湖泊——太湖为研究对象,通过对全湖开展系统的野外调查,结合高通量测序技术、多元统计分析方法及生态学模型构建,系统探明太湖浮游细菌的空间分布格局,并揭示格局形成的驱动机制。结果显示:(1) 太湖西北部湖区(藻型湖区)与东南部湖区(草型湖区)之间浮游细菌群落结构存在显著差异,而这两个区域内各湖区间及湖心区与周边湖区间之间的浮游细菌群落结构差异不显著,太湖浮游细菌群落结构整体上呈现较弱的距离衰减规律;(2)太湖草、藻型湖区及湖心区中浮游细菌群落结构分别与叶绿素a、透明度及总悬浮物显著相关,总体上环境变量对太湖浮游细菌群落空间格局的相对贡献率大于空间变量;(3)尽管确定性过程中的异质化选择、随机过程中的非主导性过程以及扩散限制对太湖浮游细菌空间格局的形成均产生重要影响,但总体上随机过程对格局形成的相对贡献更大;(4) 太湖无序风场驱动的水力混合作用导致各湖区间浮游细菌群落的随机扩散,是导致随机过程主导其中浮游细菌空间格局形成的主要原因。本研究揭示了太湖浮游细菌群落的空间格局及其驱动机制,有利于丰富对水域微生物生物地理学及水域微生物生态学理论的认识。
关键词:  浅水湖泊  太湖  浮游细菌  空间格局  随机过程  确定性过程
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金青年项目(ZR2022QC190)、滨州学院博士启动基金项目(2020Y36)和国家自然科学基金项目(41971062, 41471040)联合资助。
Spatial patterns and community assembly mechanisms of bacterioplankton in large shallow lakes: A case study of Lake Taihu
Bai Chengrong1, Cai Jian2,3, Tang Xiangming2, Gao Guang2, Shao Keqiang2, Hu Yang2, Yu Chuanning4, Liu Jingtao1, Xia Jiangbao1, Sun Jingkuan1
1.Shandong Key Laboratory of Eco-Environmental Science for Yellow River Delta, Binzhou University, Binzhou 256600, P. R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;3.Xiangyang Polytechnic, Xiangyang 441050, P. R. China;4.Binzhou Hydrological Center, Binzhou 256600, P. R. China
Bacterioplankton plays an important role in driving lake material circulation and indicating the quality of the lake water environment, etc. Unveiling the spatial patterns and community assembly mechanisms of bacterioplankton in lakes is crucial for revealing the process of lake matter circulation and the status of the aquatic environment. Shallow lakes are characterised by strong hydrodynamic disturbance, and the formation mechanism of the spatial pattern of bacterioplankton community is still unclear. By selecting Lake Taihu, a typical large shallow lake, as the research area, this study focused on revealing the spatial patterns and community assembly mechanisms of bacterioplankton in Lake Taihu through high-throughput sequencing technology, multivariate statistical analysis and ecological model construction. The results showed that (1) Bacterioplankton community compositions could significantly distinguish between the northwestern lake region (algae-dominated regime) and the southeastern lake region (macrophyte-dominated regime) of Lake Taihu, but could not distinguish the community compositions between each bay of the two regions and between the lake centre and its surrounding bays. (2) Bacterioplankton community structures of the algae-dominated regime, the macrophyte-dominated regime and the lake centre were significantly correlated with chlorophyll-a, transparency and total suspended solids, respectively. Overall, the relative contribution of environmental variables to the spatial pattern of bacterioplankton community in Lake Taihu was greater than that of spatial variables. (3) Although heterogeneous selection in the deterministic process, “undominated” processes in the stochastic process and dispersal limitation were the main processes affecting the formation of the spatial pattern of bacterioplankton in Lake Taihu, the spatial pattern of bacterioplankton was dominated by the stochastic processes. (4) The hydraulic mixing driven by the disordered wind field in Lake Taihu could lead to the stochastic dispersal of bacterioplankton community among the lake zones, which was the main reason that the stochastic processes dominated the formation of the spatial pattern of bacterioplankton. The present study reveals the spatial patterns and community assembly mechanisms of bacterioplankton in Lake Taihu, which will be important for a deeper understanding of aquatic microbial biogeography and aquatic microbial ecology.
Key words:  Shallow lake  Lake Taihu  bacterioplankton  spatial patterns  stochastic processes  deterministic processes