引用本文: | 申秋实,范成新,王兆德,张雷,刘成.湖泛水体沉积物-水界面Fe2+/ΣS2-迁移特征及其意义.湖泊科学,2016,28(6):1175-1184. DOI:10.18307/2016.0603 |
| SHEN Qiushi,FAN Chengxin,WANG Zhaode,ZHANG Lei,LIU Cheng.Effects of Fe2+ and ΣS2- transportation at sediment-water interface to the black bloom formation. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(6):1175-1184. DOI:10.18307/2016.0603 |
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湖泛水体沉积物-水界面Fe2+/ΣS2-迁移特征及其意义 |
申秋实1,2, 范成新1,2, 王兆德1,2, 张雷1,2, 刘成1,2,3
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2.湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008;3.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
摘要: |
湖泊水底Fe2+和ΣS2-浓度的快速增加是湖泛暴发最早发生于沉积物-水界面的主要前提,缺氧环境下水底扩散层附近Fe2+和ΣS2-的迁移是其在沉积物-水界面处稳定积累的重要原因.以蓝藻聚积水体沉积物-水界面为研究对象,应用湖泊过程模拟装置及间隙水被动采样等技术,重点研究了间隙水和底层上覆水中Fe2+和ΣS2-的垂向分布特征,并定量估算了二者的扩散通量及迁移方向.结果表明:湖泛样品水体沉积物-水界面处于典型的还原性环境,表层沉积物间隙水中Fe2+和ΣS2-浓度显著高于对照样品,二者在表层沉积物中积累趋势明显.湖泛水体沉积物-水界面处Fe2+释放通量较高,表现出较强烈的自沉积物向上覆水方向的释放能力;而湖泛样品ΣS2-在沉积物-水界面处释放通量为负,迁移方向为自上覆水向沉积物扩散.Fe2+和ΣS2-在湖泛水体沉积物-水界面处不同的迁移特征证明:缺氧/厌氧条件下,湖泊水体表层沉积物间隙水中高浓度Fe2+向上覆水的扩散为湖泛致黑物质的形成提供了重要的物质基础;底层上覆水及界面水中SO42-在表层沉积物中被还原,为终端还原产物ΣS2-为湖泛致黑物质的形成提供了另一重要物质来源. |
关键词: 湖泛 沉积物-水界面 沉积物 湖泊 太湖 |
DOI:10.18307/2016.0603 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51409241)、国家高新技术研究发展计划“863”计划(2014AA06A509)和江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20131464)联合资助. |
Effects of Fe2+ and ΣS2- transportation at sediment-water interface to the black bloom formation |
SHEN Qiushi1,2, FAN Chengxin1,2, WANG Zhaode1,2, ZHANG Lei1,2, LIU Cheng1,2,3
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
Abstract: |
The rapid increase of Fe2+ and ΣS2- in bottom water layers is a fundamental premise to the outbreak of black blooms at sediment-water interface. Transportation in hypoxic/anoxic benthic diffusion boundary layer is the main cause for the bulk accumulation of Fe2+ and ΣS2-. In the present research, the sediment-water interface in the black bloom water system was studied, in which the vertical distribution characteristics of Fe2+ and ΣS2- in pore waters were mainly focused. The diffusion fluxes of Fe2+ and ΣS2- at the sediment-water interface were also calculated either. Results showed that the sediment-water interface was under typically reduced environment in the black bloom water system. The concentrations of Fe2+ and ΣS2- in surface pore waters of the black bloom samples were significantly higher than that of check samples without black blooms. Typical accumulation of Fe2+ and ΣS2- in the surface sediment of black bloom system was observed. The Fe2+ release flux at the sediment-water interface in black bloom samples was high, which implied strong Fe2+ release ability from sediments to the overlying water. However, unlike the Fe2+ and distinguished from the check samples, the ΣS2- release flux at the sediment-water interface in black bloom samples was in minus value, which indicated the ΣS2- in the overlying water might be transported into the sediment. The transport characteristics of Fe2+ and ΣS2- at the sediment-water interface demonstrated that the release of high concentration Fe2+ from surface pore waters provided important material source to the formation of the black bloom formation, whereas ΣS2--another important material source for the black bloom formation, was the production of reduction SO42- from overlying water at the sediment-water interface. |
Key words: Black bloom sediment-water interface sediment lake Lake Taihu |