





引用本文:张宇航,颜旭,姜兵琦,渠晓东,张敏,张海萍,荆红卫,刘保献,彭文启.应用底栖动物完整性指数评价北京市河流水生态环境质量.湖泊科学,2023,35(6):2010-2021. DOI:10.18307/2023.0628
Zhang Yuhang,Yan Xu,Jiang Bingqi,Qu Xiaodong,Zhang Min,Zhang Haiping,Jing Hongwei,Liu Baoxian,Peng Wenqi.Water ecosystem quality assessment on rivers in Beijing City using benthic index of biotic integrity. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(6):2010-2021. DOI:10.18307/2023.0628
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张宇航1, 颜旭2,3, 姜兵琦2,3, 渠晓东1, 张敏1, 张海萍1, 荆红卫2,3, 刘保献2,3, 彭文启1
1.中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038;2.北京市生态环境监测中心, 北京 100048;3.国家环境保护河流全物质通量重点实验室, 北京 100871
关键词:  底栖动物完整性指数  大型底栖动物  生态状况评价  北京市
Water ecosystem quality assessment on rivers in Beijing City using benthic index of biotic integrity
Zhang Yuhang1, Yan Xu2,3, Jiang Bingqi2,3, Qu Xiaodong1, Zhang Min1, Zhang Haiping1, Jing Hongwei2,3, Liu Baoxian2,3, Peng Wenqi1
1.China Institute of Water Resource and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, P.R. China;2.Beijing Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, Beijing 100048, P.R. China;3.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of All Materials Flux in Rivers, Beijing 100871, P.R. China
Using biotic integrity index (B-IBI) of zoobenthos to evaluate river ecological environment conditions has become an important method for water ecological health assessment and management. We seasonally carried out investigation on macroinvertebrate, physical-chemical indicators and habitat quality at 115 sampling river sites in Beijing from autumn, 2020 to summer, 2021. Based on the investigation, the B-IBI of mountain rivers and plain rivers in Beijing was constructed, and the ecological status of the rivers were evaluated. The results of index selection showed that the B-IBI core indicators of mountain rivers included total number of taxa, EPT relative abundance, BMWP index, Clinger relative abundance, and Shannon-Wiener diversity index. B-IBI core indicators of plain rivers included total taxon number, relative abundance of Chironomidae, EPTO relative abundance, and relative abundance of pollution tolerant taxa. According to the changes of each parameter with the external interference enhancement, the score and the evaluation standard of each index were calculated by the ratio method. The evaluation results showed that the mountain rivers ecological condition were in “Good” condition, of which the Chaobai River systems were in “Good” condition, and the Jiyun River systems were in the worst of health condition, which were in “very poor” condition. The plain rivers were in “Fair” condition, of which the Yongding River and the Daqing River systems were in “Good” condition, and the Jiyun River, Beiyun River and Chaobai River systems were in “Fair” condition. There was no significantly difference in B-IBI among different seasons, and the overall ecological condition was not affected by seasonal changes, indicating that the B-IBI of Beijing had good stability in time. Multiple regression analysis showed that habitat quality was the main controlling factor limiting river ecological conditions in mountain and plain areas of Beijing, while CODMn and CODCr were the main factors affecting river ecological conditions in plain areas. The research showed that the B-IBI has a good indicator function for the habitat and water pollution status of the rivers in Beijing. The non-parametric tests indicated that, overall, the B-IBI scores of the reference sites were significantly higher than those of the impaired sites, which indicated the adaptability of the B-IBI assessment system in rivers of Beijing.
Key words:  Benthic Integrated Biotic Index  macroinvertebrates  ecological conditions assessment  Beijing City