





引用本文:吴浩云,甘月云,金科.“引江济太”20年: 工程实践、成效和未来挑战.湖泊科学,2022,34(5):1393-1412. DOI:10.18307/2022.0500
Wu Haoyun,Gan Yueyun,Jin Ke.A retrospect on the water diversion project from Yangtze River to Lake Taihu during 2002-2021: Practices, achievements and future challenges. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(5):1393-1412. DOI:10.18307/2022.0500
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“引江济太”20年: 工程实践、成效和未来挑战
吴浩云1, 甘月云2, 金科1
1.水利部太湖流域管理局,上海 200434;2.太湖流域管理局水文局(信息中心),上海 200434
过去几十年太湖流域经济社会快速发展,但由于经济增长方式尚未根本转变,流域水循环系统遭到无序干扰和破坏,太湖水污染问题严重,水质型缺水问题突出,流域水安全面临巨大挑战. “引江济太”作为太湖流域水安全保障的关键措施和流域水环境综合治理的重要举措,自2002年启动实施以来,以丰补枯,增加流域水资源供给;以动治静,抑制太湖蓝藻大规模暴发,改善流域区域水环境;科学应对,保障突发水污染事件和重大活动期间供水安全,取得了显著的综合效益,社会各界予以了广泛关注. 本文基于监测数据和大量文献,在综述“引江济太”实践背景、过程和成效的基础上,重点围绕“引江济太”调度模式、水量水质保障、洪旱风险管控、调水事件驱动等进行了研究. 结果表明,“引江济太”通过试验探索回答了流域治理管理的一些关键科学问题,已经成为提升流域水资源和水环境承载能力的重要手段. 面对极端气候变化、流域水循环格局变化、保障长三角一体化高质量发展水安全新需求和挑战,建议“引江济太”实践中,探索多目标统筹协调调度、开展数字孪生太湖调水、促进流域骨干水网建设,实现”引江济太”综合效益最大化.
关键词:  “引江济太”  成效评估  因子分析  太湖
A retrospect on the water diversion project from Yangtze River to Lake Taihu during 2002-2021: Practices, achievements and future challenges
Wu Haoyun1, Gan Yueyun2, Jin Ke1
1.Taihu Basin Authority of Ministry of Water Resources, Shanghai 200434, P. R. China;2.Bureau of Hydrology Information Center of Taihu Basin Authority, Shanghai 200434, P. R. China
In the past decades, Taihu Basin has witnessed rapid economic and social development. However, due to the lack of corresponding alternation in the economic growth mode, the water circulation system of Taihu Basin has been disturbed and destroyed, resulted in great threaten in the water security. As a key measure to ensure water security and an important measure to comprehensive water treatment in Taihu Basin, the water diversion project from Yangtze River to Lake Taihu has been launched since 2002. Supplementing drought with increased abundant water resources, suppressing the large-scale outbreak of cyanobacteria in Lake Taihu and improving water environment in the basin, prompt response to water pollution crisis to ensure the safety of water supply, the water diversion project has achieved remarkable comprehensive benefits which attracted extensive attention from social public. Based on monitoring data and published literatures, the paper reviewed the background, process and achievements of water diversion practice focusing on the scheduling mode, water quantity and quality ensure, flood-drought risk management and water diversion event-driven. The results show that water diversion project has resolved some key scientific questions of management through series of practices and exploration, and has become an important means to improve the carrying capacity of water resources and environment. Facing extreme climate and water cycle pattern changes of the basin, new demands and challenges emerged to ensure water security of the integrated high-quality development of Yangtze River Delta. It is suggested that multi-objective coordination scheduling should be explored, water diversion based on digital twin should be carried out, and water network construction should be promoted to maximize the comprehensive benefits of water diversion from Yangtze River to Lake Taihu.
Key words:  Water diversion project from Yangtze River to Lake Taihu  achievements assessment  factors analysis  Lake Taihu