





引用本文:王春玲,胡杰,赵心语,王婷婷,苟奎贤,甄志磊.有壳变形虫群落组成及与环境因子的关系——以山西滹沱河湿地为例.湖泊科学,2022,34(4):1284-1293. DOI:10.18307/2022.0420
Wang Chunling,Hu Jie,Zhao Xinyu,Wang Tingting,Gou Kuixian,Zhen Zhilei.Community composition of testate amoebae and its relationship with environmental factors-A case study of Hutuohe wetlands, Shanxi Province. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(4):1284-1293. DOI:10.18307/2022.0420
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王春玲, 胡杰, 赵心语, 王婷婷, 苟奎贤, 甄志磊
山西农业大学城乡建设学院, 太谷 030801
滹沱河湿地是山西省重要的湿地资源,对生物多样性的保护有至关重要的作用.有壳变形虫是一类生活在淡水生态系统中的原生动物,对环境变化响应敏感,是良好的环境生物指示剂.本研究主要对山西滹沱河流域6个湿地52个不同生境的沉积样品进行有壳变形虫物种组成及多样性分析,通过对有壳变形虫和环境因子数据进行排序分析探讨影响有壳变形虫群落分布的关键环境因子.结果显示:滹沱河湿地共记录有壳变形虫20种,其中斜口三足虫(Trinema enchelys)、顶足法帽虫(Phryganella acropodia)和线条三足虫(Trinema lineare)为优势种,相对丰度分别为23.4%、17.38%、13.48%.沉积物粒度和有机质含量对有壳变形虫的物种组成及多样性有显著影响,砂粒含量越低、有机质含量越高,有壳变形虫的丰富度和多样性就越高.CCA排序结果表明硝态氮和COD是影响有壳变形虫种类组成和分布的关键环境因子,解释量分别为19.6%和17.3%,而pH的解释量最小,为8.6%.本研究结果为山西湿地有壳变形虫的现代生态学研究提供借鉴,为湿地多样性保护、管理和修复提供理论支撑.
关键词:  湿地  有壳变形虫  丰富度  排序分析  滹沱河湿地
Community composition of testate amoebae and its relationship with environmental factors-A case study of Hutuohe wetlands, Shanxi Province
Wang Chunling, Hu Jie, Zhao Xinyu, Wang Tingting, Gou Kuixian, Zhen Zhilei
College of Urban and Rural Construction, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, P. R. China
Hutuohe wetland is an important wetland resource in Shanxi Province, and it plays a vital role in biodiversity protection. Testate amoebae are a type of protozoa living in freshwater ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands and other humid environments. They are sensitive to environment changes,so they can be used as biological indicator. This study investigated the community and diversity of testate amoebae of 52 samples in 6 different wetland habitats and discussed the key environment factors that strongly affect the distribution of testate amoebae by ordination analysis. The results showed that a total of 20 testate amoebae species belonging to 10 genera were identified. The dominant species are Trinema enchelys,Phryganella acropodia and Trinema lineare, the relative abundance of which is 23.4%, 17.38%, 13.48%, respectively. According to the testate amoebae community in different habitats, grain size and organic matter content of sediments have significant effects on testate amoebae community composition and diversity. The lower sand content and the higher organic matter content, the higher the community composition and diversity of testate amoebae. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) implies that nitrate nitrogen and COD can significantly affect testate amoebae community composition, the explanation of nitrate nitrogen and COD is 19.6% and 17.3%, respectively. Nevertheless, the 8.6% explanation of pH is smallest. The results can provide theoretical support and scientific basis for diversity protection, management and restoration of wetlands.
Key words:  Wetland  testate amoebae  richness  ordination analysis  Hutuohe wetlands