





引用本文:高昂,吴修锋,吴时强,戴江玉,王芳芳,吴晨晖.有限水域近水面气流演化特征试验研究.湖泊科学,2022,34(3):994-1005. DOI:10.18307/2022.0323
Gao Ang,Wu Xiufeng,Wu Shiqiang,Dai Jiangyu,Wang Fangfang,Wu Chenhui.Experimental study on the evolution characteristics of near-surface airflow in limited waters. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(3):994-1005. DOI:10.18307/2022.0323
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高昂1,2, 吴修锋1,2, 吴时强1,2, 戴江玉1,2, 王芳芳1,2, 吴晨晖1,2
1.南京水利科学研究院, 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室, 南京 210029;2.水利部太湖流域水治理重点实验室, 南京 210029
关键词:  有限水域|演化特征|特征粗糙度|气流边界层|互馈模式
Experimental study on the evolution characteristics of near-surface airflow in limited waters
Gao Ang,Wu Xiufeng,Wu Shiqiang,Dai Jiangyu,Wang Fangfang,Wu Chenhui
Key Laboratory of Taihu Basin Water Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Nanjing 210029, P. R. China
As one of the main driving forces of limited water areas such as lakes and wetlands, the evolution characteristics of airflow are the basis for the study of water-air energy and material transfer, which determines the water environment as well as water ecological pattern of water area, and has important research significance. Using wind tunnel flume, by setting different wind speeds, the response relationship and evolution law of near-surface airflow with wind speed and blowing distance were studied, particularly, flow characteristics under the condition of smooth wall were taken as the test control group, vertical distributions of wind speed, friction wind speed, roughness and so on were analyzed in time domain, and domain frequency change of wind speed and boundary layer thickness of wave-induced airflow are analyzed in the frequency. Results show that the average wind speed near the water surface conforms to the logarithmic distribution, the friction wind speed and characteristic roughness are all positively correlated with the wind speed, and both of them are greater than the smooth wall condition under the same wind speed and blowing distance, and the wave-induced airflow boundary layer thickness is positively correlated with the wind speed and blowing distance. The reasons for the improper use of wind speed as the aerodynamic dynamic parameter are analyzed, and it is considered that it is more reasonable to use friction wind speed or shear stress as the aerodynamic dynamic parameter, and the regression relationship between characteristic roughness and wind speed, blowing distance and water depth is given. The mutual feed model of airflow and wind wave with "same frequency" is discussed, it is found that the thickness of the wave-induced airflow boundary layer is not only related to the wavelength, but also affected by wave height, wave period and water depth, and the relation formula of the wave-induced airflow boundary thickness considering the nonlinear characteristics of wind and wave is established.
Key words:  Limited waters|evolution characteristics|characteristic roughness|airflow boundary layer|mutual feed model