





引用本文:李金华,李一平,唐春燕,程一鑫,施媛媛,程月,伍欣.“引江济星”工程及风场环境影响广东肇庆星湖水龄分布特征.湖泊科学,2021,33(2):449-461. DOI:10.18307/2021.0211
Li Jinhua,Li Yiping,Tang Chunyan,Cheng Yixin,Shi Yuanyuan,Cheng Yue,Wu Xin.Water age distribution characteristics of Lake Star (Zhaoqing, Guangdong) influenced by the Water Diversion Project and wind field. J. Lake Sci.2021,33(2):449-461. DOI:10.18307/2021.0211
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李金华1,2, 李一平1,2, 唐春燕1,2, 程一鑫1,2, 施媛媛1,2, 程月1,2, 伍欣3
1.河海大学浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室, 南京 210098;2.河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098;3.肇庆市环境保护监测站, 肇庆市环境科学研究所, 肇庆 526000
关键词:  星湖  水龄  EFDC模型  “引江济星”工程  风场
Water age distribution characteristics of Lake Star (Zhaoqing, Guangdong) influenced by the Water Diversion Project and wind field
Li Jinhua1,2, Li Yiping1,2, Tang Chunyan1,2, Cheng Yixin1,2, Shi Yuanyuan1,2, Cheng Yue1,2, Wu Xin3
1.Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lakes, Ministry of Education, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China;2.College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China;3.Environmental Protection Monitoring Station, Institute of Environmental Science, Zhaoqing 526000, P. R. China
At present, a large number of Landscape lakes have the characteristics of irregular shape under the artificial layout, which is easy to cause bay water retention and form dead zones. The water quality deterioration is increasingly prominent. This paper takes Lake Star as the research area, based on EFDC (environmental fluid dynamics code) model that hydrodynamic-wind field coupling model was set up, the water age is taken as the index to measure the water exchange rate, 12 working conditions were designed to calculate the influence of different access points and flow ratio, Water Diversion Project from the West River to Lake Star and wind field on the spatial and temporal distribution of water age in Lake Star. The result shows that:there are seasonal and spatial distribution differences in the water age of Lake Star. The dominant wind direction in spring and the main flow direction of the lake are mutually exclusive, which restrained the water exchange with Lake Bohai, resulting in a longer water age in spring. The south-southwest monsoon in autumn promotes the water exchange of Lake Central and other water bodies, resulting in a shorter water age, which also reflects the influence of wind direction on the spatial heterogeneity of the lake area. When the wind direction is southeast, the water age of Lake Star is the smallest; the channel layout and flow ratio have influence on the water exchange rate in the lake area, the outer pit is the entrance of Lake Bohai and when the inflow ratio of Lake Bohai, Lake Central and Lake Xiannv is 4:3:3, the overall water age of Lake Star is the smallest, the proposed outlets of Lake Qinglian and Lake Xiannv can effectively accelerate the water exchange rate in the northeast of Lake Xiannv and southeast of Lake Qinglian; comprehensive study considering the benefit of water diversion, economic investment, cost of ecological development and land occupation, the second scheme is the optimal water diversion scheme. This study emphasizes the influence of the layout of the lake entrance, the size and proportion of the flow, and the wind field on the water replacement of the municipal lakes, which provides scientific support for the management and control of the landscape lakes under human disturbance.
Key words:  Lake Star  water age  Water Diversion Project from the West River to Lake Star  EFDC model  wind field