





引用本文:庞佳丽,许燕红,何毓新,史权,何丁,孙永革.太湖梅梁湾藻华暴发消退-周期表层水体溶解性有机质分子特征.湖泊科学,2020,32(6):1599-1609. DOI:10.18307/2020.0603
PANG Jiali,XU Yanhong,HE Yuxin,SHI Quan,HE Ding,SUN Yongge.Molecular characteristics of surface dissolved organic matter in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu over the algal blooming-disappearance cycle. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(6):1599-1609. DOI:10.18307/2020.0603
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庞佳丽1, 许燕红1, 何毓新1, 史权2, 何丁1, 孙永革1
1.浙江大学地球科学学院, 杭州 310027;2.中国石油大学(北京)重质油国家重点实验室, 北京 102249
关键词:  富营养化  太湖  梅梁湾  溶解性有机质  分子组成  傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱  碳循环
Molecular characteristics of surface dissolved organic matter in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu over the algal blooming-disappearance cycle
PANG Jiali1, XU Yanhong1, HE Yuxin1, SHI Quan2, HE Ding1, SUN Yongge1
1.School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, P. R. China
Eutrophication induced by human activities may has a critical impact on the carbon cycle of Lake Taihu. Assisted by the technique of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), we investigated the molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu over the algal blooming-disappearance cycle at 2017-2018 to better understand the influence of algae blooming to the dissolved organic matter pool. The results show that during the algal-blooming period, the massively increasing productivity from algae have changed the amount and the molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter in water from Lake Taihu. Basically, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon as well as the proportion of the relatively labile components (CHO-compounds, aliphatic compounds, and low-molecular-mass compounds with higher H/C and O/C values) increased during the algal-blooming period. While in the algal-disappearance period, due to both the low input of algal biomass and the continuous degradative progress of dissolved organic matter in the water column, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon decreased. Synchronously, the proportion of the relatively refractory components (CHOS-compounds, CHONS-compounds, CRAM compounds, high-molecular-mass compounds, and low-molecular-mass compounds with lower H/C and O/C values) increased. The dynamics of the molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu indeed propose the critical impact of eutrophication on the regional carbon cycle, asking for further research.
Key words:  Eutrophication  Lake Taihu  Meiliang Bay  dissolved organic matter (DOM)  molecular characterization  FT-ICR MS  carbon cycle