





引用本文:程一鑫,李一平,朱晓琳,施媛媛,朱雅,潘泓哲,徐芸蔚,程月.基于熵值环境基尼系数法的平原河网区污染物总量分配.湖泊科学,2020,32(3):619-628. DOI:10.18307/2020.0303
CHENG Yixin,LI Yiping,ZHU Xiaolin,SHI Yuanyuan,ZHU Ya,PAN Hongzhe,XU Yunwei,CHENG Yue.Total pollutant load allocation in plain river network based on the entropy-environmental gini coefficient method. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(3):619-628. DOI:10.18307/2020.0303
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程一鑫1,2, 李一平1,2, 朱晓琳1,2, 施媛媛1,2, 朱雅1,2, 潘泓哲1,2, 徐芸蔚1,2, 程月1,2
1.河海大学浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室, 南京 210098;2.河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098
关键词:  平原河网  水动力水质耦合模型  环境基尼系数  贡献系数  污染物总量分配  张家港市
Total pollutant load allocation in plain river network based on the entropy-environmental gini coefficient method
CHENG Yixin1,2, LI Yiping1,2, ZHU Xiaolin1,2, SHI Yuanyuan1,2, ZHU Ya1,2, PAN Hongzhe1,2, XU Yunwei1,2, CHENG Yue1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lakes, Ministry of Education, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China;2.College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China
In order to make a scientific reasonable plan for the total amount control of water pollutants, taking Zhangjiagang City as an example, a single-factor environmental Gini coefficient model was constructed, which involved in the factors of population, resources, economy and water environment tolerance. The main unfair pollutant distribution units were also analyzed by selecting the contribution coefficient as a judge. According to the minimum model of Entropy-Environmental Gini coefficient, the total amount allocation of ammonia nitrogen based on multivariate fairness in the towns of Zhangjiagang was proposed. The research found that there is no consistency between the proportion of pollutant reduction and the current discharge of pollutants in the total water pollutant load allocation process, and the final allocation scheme should be determined by considering many factors. In this study, the minimum model of entropy-environmental Gini coefficient takes many objective factors such as society, economy and resources into account. As for the plain river network areas, due to its special geographical location and natural conditions, the distribution of population and resources is relatively uniform, so the allocation scheme based on the model fully embodies the principle of multivariate fairness, which is more fair and reasonable.
Key words:  Plain river network  hydrodynamic and water quality model  environmental Gini coefficient  contribution coefficient  allocation of total amount of pollutants  Zhangjiagang City