





引用本文:包为民,顾雨薇,司伟,侯露,卢金利,落全富.降雨动态系统响应曲线修正方法在黄土区域水沙模拟中的应用.湖泊科学,2020,32(2):528-538. DOI:10.18307/2020.0221
BAO Weimin,GU Yuwei,SI Wei,HOU Lu,LU Jinli,LUO Quanfu.Application of rainfall dynamic system response curve method for streamflow and sediment simulation in loess region. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(2):528-538. DOI:10.18307/2020.0221
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包为民1, 顾雨薇1, 司伟1, 侯露1, 卢金利2, 落全富3
1.河海大学水文水资源学院, 南京 210098;2.台州市水文站, 台州 318001;3.青山水库管理处, 杭州 311305
关键词:  水沙模拟概念模型  降雨误差修正  动态系统响应  曹坪流域
Application of rainfall dynamic system response curve method for streamflow and sediment simulation in loess region
BAO Weimin1, GU Yuwei1, SI Wei1, HOU Lu1, LU Jinli2, LUO Quanfu3
1.College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P. R. China;2.Taizhou Hydrological Station, Taizhou 318001, P. R. China;3.Qingshan Reservoir Management Office, Hangzhou 311305, P. R. China
It is an effective way to use the conceptual model of water and sediment to calculate the water-sediment process in loess region to analyze the current soil erosion and water-sediment reduction problems. There are errors in the rainfall data due to the temporal homogenization, missing measurements and mismeasurements, which influence the accuracy of the important input variable and dynamic factor of the model-rainfall, and then affect the accuracy of flow and sediment process simulation. Therefore, this study combines the rainfall dynamic system response curve method with the conceptual model of water and sediment to improve the accuracy of water and sediment process simulation. This method takes the water simulation part of the model as a response system to update the important input variable-mean area rainfall. Then the runoff, sediment yield and concentration is recalculated using the updated rainfall series to improve the accuracy of flow and sediment process simulation. After validating the feasibility of this method by the ideal case, an actual case is occurred in Caoping Basin in loess region. The results show that the method can both significantly improve the accuracy of the water and sediment simulation, and the average increases are 17.56% and 15.86% respectively.
Key words:  Conceptual model of water and sediment simulation  rainfall error correction  dynamic system response  Caoping Basin