





引用本文:肖玲,马燕天,甘志伟,蔡润发,李卓琳,葛刚,吴兰.土壤动物对鄱阳湖湿地冬季凋落物分解过程的影响.湖泊科学,2020,32(2):395-405. DOI:10.18307/2020.0209
XIAO Ling,MA Yantian,GAN Zhiwei,CAI Runfa,LI Zhuolin,GE Gang,WU Lan.Influence of soil fauna on the litter decomposition of Lake Poyang Wetland in winter. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(2):395-405. DOI:10.18307/2020.0209
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肖玲, 马燕天, 甘志伟, 蔡润发, 李卓琳, 葛刚, 吴兰
南昌大学生命科学学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室, 南昌 330031
为了研究湿地土壤动物对凋落物分解速率以及对土壤养分归还的影响,于2017年11月份在鄱阳湖湿地收集苔草(Carex cinerascens)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和芦苇(Phragmites australis)3种植物的凋落物,利用凋落物袋法开展原位的模拟实验.研究中使用了网孔大小分别为4.5 mm (大)和0.1 mm (小)的分解袋来对比分析土壤动物的影响.结果表明:不同物种之间凋落物分解速率有差异,苔草的分解速率显著大于南荻和芦苇,南荻与芦苇的分解速率差异不明显;凋落物的分解速率与凋落物总有机碳和总氮的积累量(NAITOC/NAITN)呈负相关,与残余凋落物质量呈负相关,与凋落物总磷含量呈正相关;凋落物总氮含量在不同物种凋落物中差异明显,表现为苔草 > 芦苇 > 南荻,并且与分解速率的大小关系相对应,因此高氮植物凋落物的分解速率较快;土壤动物能够提高分解速率,促进凋落物营养元素的释放,进而调节凋落物中C、N、P元素向土壤养分库的归还过程.本研究将为湿地生态系统的营养元素循环研究提供科学数据.
关键词:  湿地  凋落物分解  分解速率  土壤动物  养分归还  鄱阳湖  蚌湖
Influence of soil fauna on the litter decomposition of Lake Poyang Wetland in winter
XIAO Ling, MA Yantian, GAN Zhiwei, CAI Runfa, LI Zhuolin, GE Gang, WU Lan
School of Life Sciences, Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment Resource Utilization, Ministry of Education, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, P. R. China
To study the effects of soil fauna on the rates of litter decomposition and soil nutrients return, litters of Carex cinerascens, Triarrhena lutarioriparia, and Phragmites australis were collected from Lake Poyang Wetland in November 2017. An in situ simulation experiments with three types of litters were carried out by the litter bag method. Decomposing bags with mesh sizes of 4.5 mm (large) and 0.1 mm (small) were used to assess the contribution of soil fauna in this study. The results showed that:the decomposition rate of litters was different among plants, with a significant higher decomposition rate of C. cinerascens than those of T. lutarioriparia and P. australis. There was a negative correlation between litter decomposition rate and litter carbon accumulation/nitrogen accumulation index (NAITOC/NAITN), and the remaining dry mass of litters; while a positive correlation with litter total phosphorus content; the total nitrogen content was different among litters, which has a degressive sequence as C. cinerascens, T. lutarioriparia, P. australis; the decomposition rate showed the same sequence among litters-the higher nitrogen litter, higher decomposition rate. The participation of soil fauna promoted the decomposition rate and the release of nutrient elements from litters and then regulated the return process of C, N, P elements to soil nutrient bank. This study will provide scientific data for the study on nutrient cycling of wetland ecosystem.
Key words:  Wetlands  litter decomposition  decomposition rate  soil fauna  nutrient return  Lake Poyang  Lake Banghu