





引用本文:刘溪溪,岳鑫,于小亮,马喆,路亮,张晓冬,马宗德.柴达木盆地西北缘昆特依凹陷的双层钾盐成矿模式特征及成因.湖泊科学,2020,32(1):246-258. DOI:10.18307/2020.0123
LIU Xixi,YUE Xin,YU Xiaoliang,MA Zhe,LU Liang,ZHANG Xiaodong,MA Zongde.Characteristics and genesis of the double potash layer metallogenetic model of Kunteyi Depression in the northwest margin of Qaidam Basin. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(1):246-258. DOI:10.18307/2020.0123
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刘溪溪1,2, 岳鑫1,2, 于小亮3, 马喆4, 路亮1, 张晓冬1,2, 马宗德1,2
1.青海省柴达木综合地质矿产勘查院, 格尔木 816000;2.青海省柴达木盆地盐湖资源勘探研究重点实验室, 格尔木 816000;3.青海省地质调查局, 西宁 810000;4.青海省盐湖地质与环境重点实验室, 西宁 810000
关键词:  柴达木盆地  钾盐矿床  晶间卤水  砂砾孔隙卤水  水化学特征  昆特依凹陷
Characteristics and genesis of the double potash layer metallogenetic model of Kunteyi Depression in the northwest margin of Qaidam Basin
LIU Xixi1,2, YUE Xin1,2, YU Xiaoliang3, MA Zhe4, LU Liang1, ZHANG Xiaodong1,2, MA Zongde1,2
1.Qaidam Integrated Geological Exploration Institute of Qinghai Province, Golmud 816000, P. R. China;2.Key Laboratory of Salt Lake Resources Exploration in Qaidam Basin, Qinghai Province, Golmud 816000, P. R. China;3.Geology Survey Bureau of Qinghai Province, Xining 810000, P. R. China;4.Key Laboratory of Salt Lake Geology and Environment of Qinghai Province, Xining 810000, P. R. China
The Qaidam Basin represents an important provenance for potassium salt in China and in the world. So far, studies have mostly focused on potassium salt in shallow subsurface salt lakes, whereas little has been reported about potassium salt in deep clastic pores. In the present study, the spatial-temporal evolutions involved in the metallogenesis of potassium salt in the Qaidam Basin are summarized within the context of the Kunteyi Sag as an example. A "double-layered potassium salt" model consisting of intercrystalline brine in the Qp2-h salt-lake facies chemical salt crystal fissures underlain by the Qp1 alluvial-proluvial gravel pore brine is established after investigating the local geology, paleo-environment, and brine reservoir distribution in the study area. The genesis of this "double-layered potassium salt" model and the internal connections between the overlying and underlying brine layers are explored by comparing the ionic contents in these layers through mathematical and geochemical approaches such as cluster analysis, characteristic coefficient, piper trilinear nomograph, and hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. The results indicate that within the Qaidam Basin, the brine in the "double-layered potassium salt" unexceptionally comprises salt rock lixiviation water from a continental sedimentary background. The overlying intercrystalline brine suggests more of salt rock dissolution, although lixiviation may have also played a role; the underlying gravel pore brine points more toward rock salt dissolution. The overlying intercrystalline brine seems to originate from the deep evolution of the underlying gravel pore brine, whereas the underlying gravel pore brine appears to be successive from the deep paleo-salt rock layers and the overlying intercrystalline layer. The oilfield water in the Neogene anticlinal structures surrounding the Kunteyi Sag also shows a close genetic connection with the "double-layered potassium salt" brine.
Key words:  Qaidam Basin  potash deposit  intercrystalline brine  gravel pores brine  hydrochemical characteristics  Kunteyi Depression