





引用本文:余珮珩,冯明雪,刘斌,白少云,顾世祥,陈奕云.顾及生态安全格局的流域生态保护红线划定及管控研究——以云南杞麓湖流域为例.湖泊科学,2020,32(1):89-99. DOI:10.18307/2020.0109
YU Peiheng,FENG Mingxue,LIU Bin,BAI Shaoyun,GU Shixiang,CHEN Yiyun.Demarcation and administration of watershed ecological protection red line considering the ecological security pattern-A case of the Qilu Lake watershed, Yunnan Province. J. Lake Sci.2020,32(1):89-99. DOI:10.18307/2020.0109
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余珮珩1, 冯明雪1, 刘斌2, 白少云2, 顾世祥2, 陈奕云1,3,4
1.武汉大学资源与环境科学学院, 武汉 430079;2.云南省水利水电勘测设计研究院, 昆明 650021;3.土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室, 南京 210008;4.地理国情监测国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室, 武汉 430079
关键词:  生态保护红线划定  生态保护红线管控  生态安全格局  国土空间规划  杞麓湖流域
Demarcation and administration of watershed ecological protection red line considering the ecological security pattern-A case of the Qilu Lake watershed, Yunnan Province
YU Peiheng1, FENG Mingxue1, LIU Bin2, BAI Shaoyun2, GU Shixiang2, CHEN Yiyun1,3,4
1.School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China;2.Yunnan Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Kunming 650021, P. R. China;3.State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;4.Key Laboratory for National Geography State Monitoring(National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation), Wuhan 430079, P. R. China
Demarcation of ecological protection red line is an important measure to ensure the ecological security. It is conducive to maintain the integrity of the ecosystem and achieving the sustainable development. Based on the ecosystem function and ecological sensitivity, an ecological security pattern was constructed for Qilu Lake watershed. This paper demarcates and administers the ecological protection red line. We revealed that:(1) The extremely important regions of sub-elements are superimposed to obtain the extremely important regions of ecosystem function. Zhewan River, Changsha River, Dasha River and mountainous areas have the highest ecological sensitivity, the dam area has higher ecological sensitivity. (2) The red line of first-level ecological protection covers areas of extremely important and sensitive ecology, lake shorelines and reservoirs. The red line of secondary ecological protection covers the ecological buffer zone around the lake, the ecological buffer zone in mountainous areas and the ecological corridor dominated by rivers. The three-level ecological protection red line covers the ecological coordination area, mainly farmland. (3) Ecological restoration should be adopted to protect the ecological functions of the extremely sensitive areas within the red line of first-level ecological protection. The red line for secondary ecological protection focuses on ecological protection to maintain the ecological quality of the region. Overall optimization of the three-level ecological protection red line should be carried out to improve the carrying capacity of the ecological environment.
Key words:  Demarcation of ecological protection red line  administration of ecological protection red line  ecological security pattern  national spatial planning  Qilu Lake watershed