





引用本文:章萍,曾宪哲,王亲媛,王伟,吴代赦.水分条件对藜蒿(Artemisia selengensis)富集湿地土壤重金属的影响.湖泊科学,2019,31(6):1592-1600. DOI:10.18307/2019.0624
ZHANG Ping,ZENG Xianzhe,WANG Qinyuan,WANG Wei,WU Daishe.Effects of water conditions on the enrichment of heavy metals in wetland soils by Artemisia selengensis. J. Lake Sci.2019,31(6):1592-1600. DOI:10.18307/2019.0624
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水分条件对藜蒿(Artemisia selengensis)富集湿地土壤重金属的影响
章萍, 曾宪哲, 王亲媛, 王伟, 吴代赦
南昌大学资源环境与化工学院鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室, 南昌 330031
基于鄱阳湖南矶山湿地土壤及藜蒿Cd、As污染风险评价,利用盆栽实验研究水分条件对区域土壤理化性质、砷镉形态及其上生长的藜蒿(Artemisia selengensis)重金属富集能力的影响.结果表明:土壤Cd含量超标,存在生态风险,藜蒿茎中As含量达食品污染限量标准,存在食用风险;藜蒿对Cd、As的富集能力受土壤水分环境影响,水分增加会造成土壤pH与有机质含量上升,抑制藜蒿富集Cd的同时促进富集As.线性回归计算显示土壤有效态As含量与藜蒿As富集量呈显著正相关,可以用来评价藜蒿As富集情况,而土壤有效态Cd含量与藜蒿Cd富集量间无显著相关性.结合区域土壤Cd、As污染情况,适宜控制水分为缺水或旱湿交替条件,可以降低藜蒿等湿地植物中Cd的富集量;适宜控制水分为淹水条件,可以减少土壤Cd、As有效态含量.
关键词:  鄱阳湖  南矶山湿地  重金属  水分条件  藜蒿  富集
Effects of water conditions on the enrichment of heavy metals in wetland soils by Artemisia selengensis
ZHANG Ping, ZENG Xianzhe, WANG Qinyuan, WANG Wei, WU Daishe
Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization, Ministry of Education, School of Resources Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, P. R. China
On the basis of the risk assessment of Cadmium (Cd) and Arsenic (As) pollution in Nanjishan Wetland soil and Artemisia selengensis in March 2012, the effects of water conditions on the physicochemical properties of wetland soil, the morphology of As and Cd, and the heavy metal enrichment capacity of Artemisia selengensis in the Lake Poyang were studied by pot experiments. Results showed that the content of Cd in soil exceeded the standard values, suggesting kind of ecological risk. The As concentrations in the stems of Artemisia selengensis is up to the limit standard of food pollution, which raised the risk of food consumption. The enrichment abilities of Cd and As by Artemisia selengensis were affected by the soil water environment. The increasing of water would increase soil pH and organic matter content, which inhibited the enrichment of Artemisia selengensis toward Cd while promoted the enrichment of As. The results of the linear regression showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the effective content of As in soil and the As concentrations in Artemisia selengensis, which could be used to evaluate the As enrichment characteristics of Artemisia selengensis. However, no significant correlation was found between the effective content of Cd in soil and the Cd concentrations in Artemisia selengensis. Combined with the condition of Cd and As pollution in the regional soil, the suitable control of the alternation of wet and dry or water shortage water conditions could reduce the concentrations of Cd in wetland plants such as Artemisia selengensis, the suitable control of waterflooding water condition could reduce the effective contents of Cd and As in soil.
Key words:  Lake Poyang  Nanjishan Wetland  heavy metal  water condition  Artemisia selengensis  enrichment