





引用本文:高宏斌,李畅游,孙标,史小红,赵胜男,樊才睿.呼伦湖流域氢氧稳定同位素特征及其对水体蒸发的指示作用.湖泊科学,2018,30(1):211-219. DOI:10.18307/2018.0121
GAO Hongbin,LI Changyou,SUN Biao,SHI Xiaohong,ZHAO Shengnan,FAN Cairui.Characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Lake Hulun Basin and its indicative function in evaporation. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(1):211-219. DOI:10.18307/2018.0121
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高宏斌, 李畅游, 孙标, 史小红, 赵胜男, 樊才睿
内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018
关键词:  氢氧稳定同位素  分馏  蒸发  地下水  水文过程  呼伦湖
Characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Lake Hulun Basin and its indicative function in evaporation
GAO Hongbin, LI Changyou, SUN Biao, SHI Xiaohong, ZHAO Shengnan, FAN Cairui
College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, P. R. China
The aim of this paper is to analyze water stable isotopes(δD and δ18O)in Lake Hulun Basin, and to explore the indicative function of stable isotopes in hydrological cycle in this region. The analytical results of lake water, river water and well water around Lake Hulun indicate that there are temporal variations of stable isotopes in lake and river water and spatial variations in river water along the flow path. Furthermore, the relationship between δ18O and δD in lake water, river water and groundwater in Lake Hulun Basin shows the crossing points of lake and river water are located in the lower right of local meteoric water line, suggesting lake water and river water have suffered from evaporation. However, the crossing points of well water are located closely to the local meteoric water line except southwestern area (W1) around the lake, indicating all groundwater except W1 reflects a precipitation origin, and the weird high isotope values in W1 may have connections to the lake water and well water. Using the relationship between stable isotopic ratio in residual water and residual water proportion with consideration of the effect of temperature and humidity, the proportions of modern lake water and river water after evaporation are calculated as 0.85-0.96 for river water, and 0.71-0.77 for lake water. Obviously, the extent of lake water evaporation is greater than that of river water, with 4%-15% water loss for rivers and 23%-29% water loss for the lake. In addition, the annual lake water evaporation was calculated based on isotopic mass balance method, the low relative error (5.4%) compared with measured data indicates this model is appropriate to calculate water evaporation for Lake Hulun. Using stable isotope (δD and δ18O) is an essential method to study on hydrological cycle in a basin, thus stable isotope still has a wide application space in hydrological cycle in Lake Hulun Basin.
Key words:  Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes  fractionation  evaporation  underground water  hydrological process  Lake Hulun